
Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by aituul, Apr 3, 2023.

  1. Maybe I'm not being possessed.. maybe it's just a sorcerer projecting their voice saying their sin is conversing with demons .. if I'm being possessed then why the fuck am I just playing gta sa .. a prudent wife is from the lord.. wife.. just one normal person being possessed in a world full of them trying to live a normal blameless life and exercise self control and resist temptation and take up my cross and repent and spread the word and rejoice under trials and try and learn patience in suffering from this life experience and no be so foolish and impatient.. I feel like other people could learn from me and other possessed people could learn to resist the devil and he will flee... maybe it's having an impact maybe not.. some day I will know if it had any impact..Bible College.. prudent wife.. the lord directs the steps of a man, how then can man understand his own way
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  2. This is actually deadly serious and I'm tired of people not taking it seriously, it's about inheriting salvation and a lot of people are being possessed in this world and God is in heaven and you are on earth and it's going to be a long time before Jesus christ comes back. Possessed people need to learn how to live normal blameless lives and not have their conscience seared and so does everyone else. Just be righteous and try to always do the right thing. Repent resist temptation take up your cross and spread the word.. exercise self control.. don't let Satan sear your conscience.. free yourselves from being slaves to sin.. it's simple.. read the Bible and go to church and encourage your family and friends to do the same.. a good priest turns many from sin..two kinds of wisdom, spiritual wisdom and enticing wisdom.. spiritual wisdom says to resist the devil and he will flee
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  3. They spin conspiracies for people In their head and try and make people paranoid and introduce doubt to snatch away the seed of faith that was sown in their heart and pressure people into being false prophets .Do not call conspiracy all that this people calls conspiracy.. they also try and sabotage people's lives to prevent them from turning others from sin.. and they pressure people into becoming seducing spirits and convince people to depart from the faith...read the Bible it's serious.. it's about inheriting salvation.. resist the devil and he will flee
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  4. I Agree With You Bout Readin The Bible. It Isa Great Book. I Have 1 In My Room That I Look Through Sometimes. I Believe What It Say In There.

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  5. People don't NEED to do a damn thing. Individuals will make up their own minds on what to believe and how they choose to act, many do not require religious control to guide their thoughts or lives.
  6. Evil is real and Satan, or the adversary, does exist but, Satan can't control man. Man has freewill.

    Satan or beings with evil may effect a situation but the choice to simply react to the situation or to act on your own intentions.

    True freedom is the freedom from the need to be free. I serve a master and it ain't no devil. A man can only serve one master.
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  7. It seems mankind is the devil, and I’ve yet to see proof of the Possessed beside one person I saw at a pysch ward.
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  8. When I'm feeling possessed I listen to Gregorian Chants. Soothing.
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  9. I don't see Satan as a entity who forces you to do bad things, he gives you the opportunity to do bad things, the choice is ultimately ours to do good or evil...
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  10. Ha I listen to byzantine chants to try and fall asleep , soothing also.
    Lucifer , Satan , old scratch all sorts or strange names all for an entity if it was real wouldn’t it rule the world ? Or if it’s real why is it a spiritual being only?
    Why does this evil thing get to live forever and we get a short lifetime??
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  11. #11 Dizzy, Apr 9, 2023
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2023
    We Not Meant To Understand Any Of That We Just Lowly Humans. God An The Devil On A Whole Other Level Then Us An If We Went Where They At While We Were In This Form I Bet Our Minds Would Literally Explode Or Someting. It Secrets Beyond Anyting We Can Imagine While We Alive. Either Indescribable Beauty ( Heaven) Or Horror (Hell) But We Don Get To See Either Untill Our Times Up In This World. Both Placed Unknowable To The Living. That My Take On It. My Dad Who Pass Away In 2017 Still Visit Me In Both Dreams An Real Life Occasionally So IK There Someting After Life. I Ask Him Before But he Not allowed To Tell.

  12. Intelligence dictates a man not a god .. lol

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