Positive statistics on weed

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by tkanadian, Oct 8, 2009.

  1. Hi,

    For my data management class, I want to do something on weed.
    I am looking for positive correlation between weed and other things.
    I was thinking of doing correlation between marijuana use and crime rates, but the numbers are rather unfavourable to weed.

    Anyways, I'd really appreciate if you could send me links on weed and statistics.
  2. Maybe you could prove the opposite? ..show that as marijuana use has gone up and down over the years the rate of cancer and schizophrenia in society has remained unchanged - therefore marijuana does NOT cause cancer or schizophrenia.

    Here's a great site that might help you: STATS: We Check Out the Numbers Behind the News

    (it was the correlation between tobacco use and cancer rates that made scientists aware of the fact that tobacco causes cancer. With marijuana there is NO correlation with cancer or any other deadly disease)
  3. You could show how funding for prohibition has gone up and up over the years, and so have marijuana usage rates. We're currently #1 in the world for marijuana usage rates, and we also incarcerate more people per capita than any other country in the world also, there are plenty of statistics to show what a failure the drug war has been ;)

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