Okay so there's this kid in my engineering class who I used to be friends with. I started blazing at about 17 and im 19 now. I've blazed with this kid, whose name is Chris, about 5 times. Recently a couple buddies and I smoked him out super fat about 4 g's of super silver haze. He got so high he started puking and looked possessed. we left him. Back to the main story he now tells everyone that he's the biggest stoner ever and that he smokes and goes around SHOWING OFF that he smokes, and as we all know true stoners don't showboat that they fucking blaze. Please, comment and tell me how to handle with these poser stoners.
Yep, ignore them. Really, what else can you do? And why do you care? If the dude wants to run around making an idiot of himself, let him. Roll your eyes and move on with your life.
Yeah who gives a fuck? Fuck that guy. You should claim to be a bigger stoner though and then ask the school and then it will be decided that the only way to tell is to have a smoke off and everyone will provide you with an ounce each and see who is the biggest stoner. It's like a highschool musical I think but I never saw that show. But you need to follow the aforementioned instructions because you willget to smoke a shit ton and look like a big douche
True stoners dont even tell people they smoke. I know I dont. That maturity all comes with time though, im 19 as well and even 17 is a bit old to be acting that way. Maybe 14 or 15 is an excuse.
There is no such thing as a true stoner. If you smoke weed, you smoke weed. I also don't agree with the classification 'seasoned toker' because it automatically creates a pedestal which people will stand on just to be seen as higher, wiser, and otherwise more 'seasoned' than others.
Why are you even making this a problem? Let him do what he wants - its his life, why should it have any effect on yours? Enough promoting negative energy... Promote positive ++++++ Instead of saying.. THIS GUYS TICKIN' ME OFF !! Just say... "its his life, he can enjoy it any way he wants to" Hate will eat at you and make you sick.
Oh wow, someone like that could be a liability. I've seen this before. In my mind I would not encourage that person any more. He should find another outlet to express their self worth, (not alcohol based.. this person in my opinion is showing signs of an addictive personality and may need a reality check) Another peer group for your acquaintance to focus his need to hold status, and establish his identity with be my suggestion. That may save him some serious trouble down the road in life. good luck.
Sometimes. But if someone smoked the same weed out of an apple every day for years, would he really gain much experience? The keyword is 'experience', the more experiences you have with different aspects of cannabis consumption, production, etc., you become experienced. Not simply because you've toked for awhile.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-CgorzNOIQ"]YouTube - 2pac- Fuck 'em All ORIGINAL FULL VERSION[/ame]
Meh, its just like the kids that get drunk once then for weeks talk about "how fucked up they got" and how they puked and fell down the stairs. They think it will make them cool but like everyone else said, ignore them
Man all the true stoners i know are VERY VERY good at hiding it and i am keepin that tradition going.