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Portland pic up (unknown)

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by lavender, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. Here's a few shots of some unknown in the northwest

    Attached Files:

  2. looks super dank

    and also super leafy
  3. agreed with above. you can prob make some killllller qwiso or oil with that
  4. MMMmmm that looks like some killer fluff. Don't make oil out of that, that's too nice of bud, imo
  5. Trim the sugar leaves off and roll joints plus you'll get to see the bud better that looks like some fire buds man
  6. Fucking dank brother! That looks very similar to a strain called Dumpster, or maybe it's just 'cause The Dump is usually pretty leafy.
  7. Pretty dank nice pickup

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