Porsche Headlights

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by storz, Feb 28, 2024.

  1. #1 storz, Feb 28, 2024
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2024
    I saw a short news report that Porsche headlights are frequently stolen bc they are $ for resale AND bc they make great grow lights. Supposedly a Porsche headlights put out great light with very little heat. Anyone else here heard of this nonsense?
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  2. #2 Vee, Feb 28, 2024
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2024
    Any particular model?

    as many of my euro buddies drive the 'P' for me way too small, I prefer SAAB, Volvo even Rover
    in most cases its always the same headlight maker for many euro-asian models as all cars these days

    far cheaper to go to HGL and save some cash for seeds ...lol

    2014 911 replacement pax side: $274.49 more details on - https://www.carid.com/replace/reman...03131r.html?singleid=2705755084&url=144731750
    • Winner Winner x 2

  3. I remember seeing a video of a dude replacing his Lamborghini or some other supercars indicators & they turned out to be ford I think:laughing:

    From the shop they wanted like 8x the price of what ford or whoever it was wanted for the same part:bolt::laughing:
    • Agree Agree x 1

  4. People in the UK either steal the whole car & break it down at a chopshop or just steal the catalytic converters with an angle grinder :laughing:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. wrong spectrum wont work well . And the par will be limited its a 35 to 45 watt bulb after all .

    Stolen yea they cost a lot. There are a lot of body shops that take cars off the street strip the car and use the parts on the cars there buying . Some people take more expensive common cars chop them and sell these parts to body shops . Its actually good money . how i know is another story im not sharing .
    Im sure you knew all of this though .
  6. welcome back bryan oconner.
  7. 2003 Ford focus, an economy car, same guy found the throttle body is from a Volvo parts bin.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  8. Yeah some YouTube video said, they're nicking them for grow lights... I laughed. As annoying and bright as they appear to be they're nothing suitable for growing.... At that point probably buy the led separately for cheaper or get an actual grow light that will do something for you.

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