Porn Star will give a blowjob for the best lego creation

Discussion in 'General' started by x5Marijuana5612, Jan 24, 2014.

  1. What if a lady wins?
    Lesbian video for us? :smoke:
  2. watch someone with an std win or something
  3. ditto, she's not that attractive.
  4. Brb building legoland
  5. Christy mack is hot for a pornstar
    She is decent looking but her hair makes her look stupid.
  7. I guess she's ok but i just don't dig the hair, tattoos...but im sure all the nerds are going ape shit over this ha!
  8. God damnit. This bitch is about to have lego monuments. I wish I could offer to lick a spoon to be drowning in video games, I bet she gets to keep all the loosing entries too.
    Too fucking easy. I bet she spent her whole life climbing to pornstar infamy for this moment as a closet lego nerd. I hope she steps on them.
  9. Fucking disgusting.
  10. i think she's pretty hot i like tattoos and stuff the punk look but the fact she probably has taken atleast 100 dicks makes me think she's not as hot
  11. Must be a new marketing campaign by the Legos company
    L O L you think she's only had 100 dicks 
  13. yeah your right i under exaggerated
  14. Sounds like a good deal to me. Christy Macks sexy.

    Sent from deeznutz using Grasscity forum app
  15. I bet the person who wins is under 18
  16. I thought she had a bf or husband...I wonder what happened
  17. [quote name="x5Marijuana5612" post="19400112" timestamp="1390601995"]i think she's pretty hot i like tattoos and stuff the punk look but the fact she probably has taken atleast 100 dicks makes me think she's not as hot[/quote]The fact that she's taken at least 100 dicks means that it'll be a good ass blowjob. Don't see an issue with that. I'm sure she brushes her teeth and uses mouthwash. I might get in on this contest, I love Legos lol Sent from my iPod touch using Grasscity Forum
  18. She is a pornstar. I dont think her husband or bf would care about her out of relationship sex habits. Unless he doesnt mind sex that is for work. All this assuming she is dating or married.

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