
Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by alexander_37, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. Been lurking here for a while but I was just wondering,

    Who smokes poppers here?

    A lot of my friends do but I refuse to smoke cigarettes but I was considering buying real tobacco possibly flavored stuff to make my weed go further and I must admit I love the head rush I also want to start mixing it into my joints.
  2. I used to do them a lot, but I haven't done one in a long time.

    Maybe I'll do a few the next time I pick up.
  3. I smoke poppers every day lol.
  4. Tobacco free poppers: buy a glass or metal one hitter the same width (approximately) as your bong slider. take the o-ring off the slide, slap it on the one hitter, and pack it up. i'm sure you can figure out the rest. ;)
  5. I dont smoke poppers at all. But I do often mix a bit of tobacco into my joints. It helps it burn better when you have to smoke it outside.
  6. Every single poster is in Ontario Canada here.

    Probs Toronto, the Gta and guelph area.

    Am I right??/
  7. poppers yeah!
    used to do them alot!
    now i just mix weed and tobacco because poppers kill my throat.

    yeah toronto here!
  8. LOL Ontario here as well! Man thats funny...

    But ya, Ive done them a few times and they always made me fuckin hack my ass off. If I want a tobaccy rush that badly I just smoke a cig after...

    I also bought rolling tobacco to put in spliffs, but if I was you I wouldnt buy flavoured or pipe tobacco because its not really meant to be inhaled like that.
  9. Good thread to bring the Ontario crew 2gether lol.
  10. I live pretty close to Toronto and have a question... why does everyone in Ontario smoke poppers? It seriously only seems to be just us. I personally don't, but virtually every person I know who blazes uses tabbacco in the bong. Some even say they can't go without it! Who started this terrible fad?

    WTF ontario :smoking:
  11. We call it mochies from where I come from. When we smoke mochies, we go hard. Kush bowls to the face ery day. We then enter into Mochland. You are trapped and can not exit until the ruler will let you pass. You have to earn the right to pass through Mochland. If you do it, go hard, no pussy shit. Experience Mochland as it should be experienced. Fundamentally is is impossible to live in Mochland, it is simply a vacation, experience only every once in a while. A nice refreshing sample of the wild life, not like the regular high. But a regular highs are great all the time. Just take a few rips and chill with some music and munchies. Not going hard is an art as well. The ability to focus all your mind power into thinking like you do. Take beefy bong tokes and still be able to function and eat a roast chicken and talk about economics.
  12. i loooooveee the head rush from cigarettes too.... sadly im addicted as hell and barley even get any feeling ( aside from being uncomfortable ) from cigarettes anymore.... cigarettes and tobacco are sick only if you smoke em like once a week or so
  13. [​IMG]:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
  14. Actually, I'm from the east coast of the US... so there
  15. 905 and 519 here in ontaaaariiioooo

    school in 519, home at 905 haha


    btw, i smoked a popped like a couple months ago and just got too murked, so i dont do them anymore lmao..

    plus i dont normally smoke tobacco unless i really feel like it.
  16. living in pickering ontario here, and all we do is rip pops!! the most ive hit in one sesh is 17, but i know people here who do a good 25+ before stopping.
  17. I fucking love Canada :)I'm from the 705(Barrie) and poppers is what everybody smokes around here. They're definitely addicting though, like I have ounces of weed to consume but just don't feel like blazing because there's no tobb left. Smoking pops with my boys is one of my favourite things to do though, everybody takes them so seriously and if you fuck up you get chirped usually in my circle, but it's all in fun.
  18. what the hell are poppers? context sounds like spliffing bong rips
  19. Poppers are disgusting, as are bill pieces, unless u have hash dont hit poppers. Me and my buddy used to grind hash into powder, mix it with some powdered nug, and then hit the popper out of his Gatorade Bill. I only think poppers are worth it when thats what u do, and even then they are really really gross. If ur gonna batch ur bowls then do it, but smoke out of a glass piece.
  20. 519 here :)

    I smoke poppers pretty much every day, I usually smoke just weed but sometimes I like to throw some teebacs in the bowl just for that killer head rush :)

    I've never smoked a cigarette though, and don't plan on it.

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