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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by InsidiousIndica, Jun 22, 2012.

  1. Hey everyone...was just wondering if anyone else here enjoys ripping poppers. I know its nasty but I find the head rush from the tobacco is unreal! What do u guys think ?:smoke:
  2. Ive been doing a lot lately lol makes weed last longer...=p
  3. Yeah I usually hit poppers when I start to get low on supply. Anyone ever hear of a popper tube? I've never had the pleasure of using one but I heard they get u messed up
  4. Nah I would never do that. Tobacco is disgusting.
  5. i have a popper tube they sell em at my convience store, i dont use tobacco in my poppers because a lung problem but it gives you an intense head rush yes i agree but i find it just kills you when your burning out i find you burnout harder and if u are doing poppers try using joint paper..

    rip a small square of the rolling paper then stuff it in end of the tube that doesnt go into the water common sense.. then you pack the weed then you hit it same thing except no head rush from the tobacco...poppers are horrid for you tho.
  6. I thought we were going to discuss jalapeno poppers.

    I'm craving them right about now.
  7. I'd rather smoke a spliff any day of the week. Including today :smoke:
  8. Dab > Tobacco
  9. **pobblers

    Attached Files:

  10. Not that great. Head rush lasted, for me, 5-10 minutes then the high was ok. Smells and tastes like shit, very addictive.
  11. #11 sektr, Jun 22, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 24, 2012
    That's all we use for poppers here.

    I have a couple friends who ONLY like smoking poppers, or as we call them yoddies. Take the popper tube, melt a hole in a gatorade bottle then force it through so it's airtight, fill with enough water to cover the end, remove tube, pack yoddies, pop, get fucked.

    I'm personally not a huge fan, I don't like the tobacco even though I love blunts, but if I'm low on weed or those guys call me to smoke, I'm not gonna say no.

    EDIT: Forgot to mention that it's more the nicotine that fucks you up, you can get like .1-.2 max in a popper tube, so if you only hit one or two you've got the biggest headrush/dizziness of your life for about 5 minutes then you're just like "I guess I'm kinda high", so you have to have a bunch which means you basically just smoked an entire unfiltered cigarette...

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