What would be the best method for using poppers?? My buddy claims the best way to smoke poppers and to get the most out of it is to use a water bottle. I have a double perc and its been amazin thus far, but I need a change. My question is. What do you guys think I should do? Try the water bottle or just buy a new bong completely.
Its where you take the bowl part off your metal bowl and simply just use the shaft. They are labeled as Popper Shafts. You use a tiny piece of Tobacco and then pack the bud ontop. You smoke it as a regular bowl but its alot more intense and you get a mad head rush. I just wanted to know your experience with poppers and the best method to use them.
too many poppers...what about the wedding man!!! but yeah...why take the bowl off? just pack the tobacco underneath...just like hitting keif..a leafy plug so it all the keif doesnt shoot down the downstem as soon as u inhale