poorly plant

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by vwgolfs, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. Please help, my plant has been flowering for the last 2 months, the plant is in the garage where it is very well ventalated, the other day i went to water her and noticed a lot of the leaves from the middle of the plant to the bottom have white almost powdery substance on them, i think it might be some kind of mold or fungus, can i do anything to help the plant i.e remove the infected leaves etc, thanks in advance:(
  2. Perhaps you plant is a male and the white powdery substance is pollen. Pics would help.
  3. thanks for the quick reply, both plants are defo female, they have both got nice big forming, will take some pics tonight and post them.
  4. hey, i was going to agree with johnk that happerns alot, but u said they defo fem, it sounds like some kind of mold or damping off, you need to be very carefull, as i would think ur plant is not far off harvest, & mold can very dangerous to us, both being smoked & just breathing in the spores also they can be hard to notice on & in buds! il check out ur pics when ur post em
  5. id trim the infected ones and see if the it keeps coming back
  6. could powdery mildew be the issue? ive only "heard" about it, not experienced it personally?!;)
  7. Yes it is powdery mildew. I had it once and it SUCKS.

    Easy to fix however. I think I used Daconil but I can't remember.

    I would mix up a bucket of soapy water and take two small sponges and remove all the powdery mildew from each leaf by hand. Both top and bottom. Dip the sponges in clean water each time you clean a leaf and then into the soapy water. Check them in 2 days. It will come back and you will have to do it twice.

    I'm pretty sure I used Daconil however and applied a couple of times. I was still in Veg but I think it is safe for flowering.
  8. Its probably from the air in your garage, or is your garage not a typical one with a bunch of stuff in it.

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