hey guys im a noob i wanna plant a few trees but the soil in the location is poor and kind of sandy.... will my trees grow well here, even with constant care and plenty of fertilizer?? thanks
How does it drain? Dig a hole like a 5 gallon bucket and try to fill with water - time what it takes for the hole to drain out. If you cant fill the hole the soil drains too fast.. Sandy is good as it drains well but holds a lot of water. You can add bone meal, etc to pump up the soil. Take a sample home and check the pH of the soil.
add lots of compost. Sandy Loam is (IMO) the best soil. Easily done by adding composted vegetable matter.
People always make the mistake that organics do something to the definition of "soil". This is incorrect. Soil is composed of three sizes of material. That is (from largest to smallest) Sand, Silt and Clay. OldSkool1010 is correct - you want sandy loam - and that is made from 60% sand and 20% each clay and loam. Then you can add the organics...