Poor man tent set up. Feedback please

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Exzyro, Jul 14, 2017.

  1. So I just got my tent today just wanted to see if this sent up is okay considering I don't really have the money to get much else[​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

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  2. Brand and model light? Wattage?
    Is that a HIGROW?
    What are ya feeding her with?
    What dimensions are your tent?
    I see a fan, are there any induction fans?

    She is beautiful man, I love it.
    I have a micro going myself, out of a DIY entertainment center lol

    Yours however, is quite the Bush!

    What kinda photoperiod she on?
    Does she have a timer or is it manual?

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  3. It's a 300w viparspectra and I'm not sure it's some tent I found on amazon for $40 it's a 2x2x4 tent. I'm using potting soil and some compost from where I work. The light schedule is 24 hours on cause this is a auto flower strain. Also I only have 2 fans blowing on it no fancy exhausts or nothing can't afford that at the moment

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  4. I understand the budget struggles...
    I do recommend one thing though, give a 20 hours on 4 hours off a try when you can.
    They have an 11$ fairly kick ass timer on amazon.

    I used to stand true to the 24 hour thing, but there is a very noticeable difference in way it grows with just a little bit of dark.

    Still, Love that Bush you got there!

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  5. I have a timer but the recommended time for this strain is 24 hours

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