
Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by voorhee, Dec 11, 2011.

  1. How long after you use the shitter do you wait to fuck your partner?
  2. Hahahahahaha i was thinking bout this earlier....the worst is when you know you're about to fuck but then you feel like you need to shit
  3. I feel you bro. How long you wait? I wait at least an hour.
  4. Lol don't you love it when your gonna do a girl doggy style untill she sticks her ass in the air
  5. No no I do not lol
  6. wtf? I've NEVER even thought about this...
  7. I'll take a blumpkin, then stick it in as soon as I'm done wiping.
  8. idk if you got the memo, but there are these wonderful things called showers. I hear they're fun with two people as well:eek:

  9. i usually wait around 1 hour or 2 i guess...i never really timed it haha, but i know for sure that it wont be right after
  10. I would fuk her as soon as I was done wiping if she was near but since i normally use the 'shitter' in the a.m. and if there is any sex to be had then it's usually in the p.m so its never come up.
  11. what? wait? i have her riding this pole WHILE im shitting.
  12. well ill usually smear my poop around on her chest for around 2 minutes before i go back to porking her.

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