Poll: Spaghetti; in a bowl or on a plate?

Discussion in 'The Great Indoors' started by eldude-arino, Oct 11, 2010.

  1. I was making spaghetti for lunch and, though I normally eat mine on a plate, had a split second debate whether I wanted to put it in a bowl or on a plate. Which do you prefer?

    :D :smoke: :yummy:
  2. Bowl. Also try drizzling some pepper oil on the spaghetti if you have any. Its freakin good.
  3. Now that i think of it, I dont know if ive ever had it on a plate. I always have it in a bowl.

    Something ill have to try in two days when i eat spaghetti again.
  4. Bowl with butter and a lot of Parmesan cheese :D
  5. Radson- that sounds good... might try that... and/or a lil olive oil

    KSR- maaan so long as the sauce isn't runny or wattery, SO much better... heaping pile-o-past... drenched in meat sauce.... sprinkle some grated parm on.... garnish with olive garden bread sticks or texas garlic toast. BOOM.

    BUD- all about the meat/tomato sauce... but sometimes at a friend's who eats theirs that way I'll KILL buttery parmesan-y pasta
  6. in a bowl, duh.
  7. Bowl for sure...plate works alright, but bowl is more logistically sound.
  8. A bowl with top shelf EVOO drizzled on before the sauce. Light on the cheese or you'll loose the subtle taste of a good Sauce. :yummy:
  9. I don't really care.
    I like bowl better...but I like plates too.
    Just whatever I happen to grab.
  10. that depends entirely on both the amount and how hungry I am.

    If I'm hungry enough I'll grab a nice big plate and load that mother fucker till it's dripping off the sides like a body rolls down a hill
  11. id have to say that 90 percent of the time, bowls kick plates ass..
    but that last 10 percent truly necessitates a plate for maximum enjoyment.
  12. Spaghetti goes on a plate, noodles go in a bowl. Plus if you have some nice bread or focaccia type stuff laying around you can mop up the left-over sauce with it. Easier to do on a plate without getting strands of spaghetti stuck to your bread.
  13. both, i dont discriminate
  14. Its easier to contain the spaghetti in a bowl.
    Though I also eat spaghetti a plate, I guess it just depends if Im in a plate or bowl mood.
  15. This thread inspired me to eat spaghetti on a plate, And i think its my new thing to eat it on a plate instead of a bowl.

    I almost soley use paper plates, I wont get into that but, I have like 4 cermaic plates that been in my family for a few generations. Nothing special but the only plates i have that arent paper.

    And i used that last time i ate spaghetti, And i really liked it. I could fit more on a plate, Easier clean-up then a bowl. Everything about it i liked, And i never thought i would rather use a plate then a bowl until this thread inpsired me to try it.

  16. On a plate fa sho.
  17. Neither... you eat it on toast!

  18. I love doing that! Its good on garlic bread too
  19. Holy crap... I can't believe bowl's actually overtaken plate. I guess I grew up in a weird house....though we always had garlic toast and maybe a veg or something with the s'ghetti.

    KSR, welcome to the other side brother...where the grass IS greener ;0D
  20. Good looks brother, I appreciate it honestly. I only seen it eaten on plates in like Soproanos. :p

    But this is where its at no joke.

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