That really depends, man. Street hash is almost always cut with some crap or the other, and you can tell if it's really heavily cut by the texture. Heavily cut texture is dense and hard as a rock... you need to hold a lighter to it to grind it because it's so hard you need to melt it. Pure hash, or only slightly cut, is like sticky tack... soft, squishy and also generally a dark chocolatey colour unlike the tan colour cut hash usually comes in. So if the hash looks good take it, if it isn't... you would not be doing your lungs a favour by taking it so don't. Royales are really nice... roll up a spliff with bud and hash and that tastes really nice.
people cut hash? with what? lol. we don't get a lot of commercial hash here so it doesnt really seem to be a problem. can't say i've ever smoked cut hash anyway. and honestly the hard hash we get is usually better than the soft. you can smell all the plant oils and random bs in the soft stuff. thats usually just water hash though. and the soft stuff is like the 2nd or 3rd run. but i see youre in france and since europe see's a lot more hash than us i would imagine you have more experience than me with buying and smoking it. most the hash i smoke is qwiso or bubble me or my friends make around harvest time. anyway if the hash is good i'd go all hash. higher cannabinoid content overall. if not then like Dime said you're not doing your lungs a favor smoking that heavy shit and it would be best to just get the weed. but if its good hash you can always trade someone else for weed. trade them like half a g of hash for a g of weed. if its good hash i'd do it.
Umm... sorry man but if hash is rock hard it is cut... with all kinds of stuff like henna, shoe polish, salt, sugar... things to make it heavier and sell higher. Pure hash is a darker colour and has a texture like sticky play doe. Most hash is crap in the U.S from what I've seen.. I'm sure with good connections you can get some home made or whatever... but yeah it is a lot different in Europe. I have the feeling a lot of people in France smoke a lot more hash than bud.
Thanks for the adivce guys Yeh i already tested the same hash a while a go and it was good, but it was rock hard, brown and dark yellow in the middle
interesting about the cuts but we're gonna have to agree to disagree about the hardness. i have no idea what kind of hash you smoke but the harder hash we buy is always much better than the soft. it's usually much lighter in color also. i don't even buy soft hash to be honest... i always need to smoke a retarded amount to get high enough. and as i said it usually smells of plant oils. that weird almost hash but not quite, kinda like drying plant matter smell. its weird but i had some about 2 months ago and it was indeed 3rd run bubble hash. very dark and unappealing to the seasoned eye. we pressed 1 gram of it in to a slab and rolled a hash bean style hash joint using it as the paper. i didnt get as high as i should have but it was ok. maybe people around here are adding water to their hash to weigh it down or something? idk i have gotten good soft hash but that was years ago. i guess what i should say is the hash we get recently is better if its hard. anyway i can tell you for a fact QWISO is much better the harder it is. the qwiso i make is full melt that snaps in half when you break it rather than bending. if you hold it for a while it becomes more malleable but its very hard at room temperature. when a lighter is applied it instantly melts. its also usually a color ranging from white to amber. i know a lot more about qwiso than i do water hash...
Man, you don't get what I'm saying. If you like cut hash better, fine, I'm not arguing about that... it's your own opinion. But the kind of hash you are describing and calling better is, by definition, cut. Pure has CAN'T have that kind of consistency unless it is cut with something... you think plant resin turns into a hard soap bar on its own? Anyhow, it surprises me how many people think hash is more potent than weed... of course it can be the case, but hash in general is made out of the resin from leafage... so it's not really more potent at all. It's probably a placebo thing, since people go so crazy over hash in the States because it's not that easy to find for most.
good hash actually can get you more stoned than dank weed, because hash is a more concentrated form of thc, hash in the states is generally better than europe because it comes from a trustworthy source as opposed to someone in europe thats selling fucked up hash, but im sure that doesnt go for everyone
Any hash I've smoked has been much more potent than any buds I've been able to get a hold of. I can feel the difference on the first hit.
I do not mean to sound rude but this is totally idiotic. Ive had many kinds of Hash, several rock hard it doesn't mean that it is CUT. You do not cut hash that is just stupid, you can easily press kief or hash and use temperatures to increase density and hardness. Hash is much stronger than weed 95% percent of the time, because HASH is concentrated marijuana. People don't use *Perhaps exaggeration* 7grams of good weed to make 2g's of good hash for nothing ya know? If your getting it same price as the green, and the hash looks nice grab a whole 7g's of that shit! Tyrone-Biggums I agree local QWISO is way to go and very simple also can produce a lot of good shit. Not getting cut and all is the way to go, I guess u Europeans got that shit hash that's cut huh?? Get the half & half if u cant get all the hash u can
No actually I make my own hash so I don't have to worry about it being cut, and European hash is less expensive and better than in the U.S from what I have seen. And people do not make hash with buds, it's usually made with stem and leafage. You cannot make hash rock hard through temperatures and pressing... pure plant resin does not turn into hard soap bar on its own. But keep believing whatever the hell you want to believe, I'm not the one smoking shoe polish.