Since you've been vaping, has your bud purchases gone up, gone down or remained the same as it did when you were smoking.
i don't think it should be about how much you purchase bud, but how long your bud lasts you. anyways... i said purchases went down, because they have
My purchases have gone down abit, but not by much. It might also be because i got my vape right after summer ended that could be making me think this. It seems that I need much less bud to get baked with a vape, but since it makes no smell, and I still live with my parents, it lets me sesh a lot more so it kind of balances it all out.
I've been thinking about getting a vape for a while, but I've heard it doesn't really feel like your smoking. I don't want to loose the "smoking factor", if you will, but if it saves weed, I might have to save up for the volcano...
Why? A 100 dollar LaunchBox is actually more efficient than a 600 dollar 'Cano, and a 150 dollar Purple Days is more efficient than both of them.