Politikal polls see who's ahead

Discussion in 'General' started by astro_righteous, Dec 20, 2007.

  1. http://www.presidentpolls2008.com/

    so yeah i went on a search to see about the current standings for the polls right and here i come across the main page for who is up and who is down. and i look up ron paul and he seems to not be doing so well. sadly.

    but i went and did the straw poll (an informal poll placed by users like you and me on the net) and i voted for Ron himself and come to find that he is number one by a good 500 votes over clinton.

    but the other standings you see are the more formal yet non counting votes that are taken at different intervals at different politkal speeches and such then compiled together and there you go.

    so why is it that ron is up higher than hilary by 500 votes on this thing but yet only at most 7% on the others?

    ill bet it has to do with the fact that ron has a following of lazy stoners like ourselves who dont actually go out and vote. we sit around and tell eachother who should and shouldnt be prez but dont actually do anything to back up their words.

    im thinking thats ok though. seriously we should just sit by and wait until the primaries come to our towns and then flock to the polling places and vote like crazy for ron. he would get serious recognition for all of the votes that simply came out of the thick smoke.

    then again sit idly by until the main election on november 2 and just swarm the places with our votes. again he will come out in a blaze of fury and we will all get what we want.

    he is the single most democratic republican you will find and thats what we need right now. republicans are good for our country just not ones named Shrub.

    but a democratic point of view will go very far also. so lets step up to the polls and vote this guy in already. and dont vote stoned. its worse than driving drunk. you might mark the wrong box then get a vagina for a president.
  2. Well majority of those polls for the Republican nomination only poll "likely Republican voters", which is people that voted for Bush in 2000 and 2004. So this doesn't include independents, Republicans that didn't vote for Bush, Democrats, people that only use cell phones (no landline), people that weren't old enough to vote in previous elections, and also people who never voted before. So with all this in consideration, polling at ~8% isn't too bad, also don't forget how wide open the Republican ticket is, there is no clear front runner and most people aren't satisfied with the choices
  3. very true.

    mostly you have to be of that party to attend one of these things, or atleast mostly only they show up. but yes there probably are people out there that will vote in the primary who will flop to the other side to show mor support in the main election.

    mainly those who dont want a president without any balls. but also those who are swayed toward what they see is true and not what will get their businesses more successful.

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