Politics and religion

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by Chikn_nuggr, Feb 19, 2017.

  1. So I was on Facebook today and I came across this post from my pastor that was basically him taking political sides. To say the least, it upset me.
    I don't like that he did that, I don't care who he supports but he shouldn't make comments about how he stands politically. This shit already eats at me everywhere else, why does it need to be brought up in a church body? I'm okay with someone preaching on how one should make a choice when voting and what not. That's just telling us to give it some real thought.
    I'm not sure where I'm going with this.

    I guess what are your views on a religious leader type person discussing politics and basically justifying whatever candidate they support/suppoted?
    And, am I being a little overly sensitive? I think I might be, but I also think that my feelings are justified.
  2. He's free to express his views on whatever he wants.
    He wasn't preaching to the congregation.
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  3. Yes I understand that, but majority of the congregation has him added as a friend. Only reason I saw it to begin with was cause a mutual friend liked the post.
    So even though it's not at the pulpit a lot of the people who go to that church saw/read the post. Imo it still has the same affect.
    One major point that got to me was that he basically bad mouthed liberals and implied that no one else is doing wrong. Maybe it's just because I've spent too much time looking into our current politics. Then again, I don't see how anyone who calls themselves a Christian can back our current president and say he's a terrific choice. Hell, even the other choice was crap.
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