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Political cartoon request thread

Discussion in 'The Artist's Corner' started by WeekendToker, Sep 18, 2009.

  1. So I want to draw some political cartoons about legalization, but haven't got any good ideas.

    I'm a pretty good at drawing.

    I'll post them in this thread when I'm done, and anyone can spread and use them however they want.

    other artists are welcome to join.

  2. are you gonna post anything.....? lolz
  3. hes not gonna post anything unless we give him the ideas he asked for man
  4. since nobody else has decided to inspire i guess i shall...

    how about you depict the DEA committing a raid on a grow-op out in the middle of bum-fucking-nowhere and instead of pot leaves on the pot plants, you make the leaves with syringes as the individual leaves. i guess what i mean is the syringes are in the shape of a pot leaf. i dont know it makes sense in my head but i cant completely word it.

    anyways, the message is that the government over-demonizes the plant by comparing it to such harsh drugs as heroin.
  5. draw a jail cell with pot leaves in the cell, or something related to more people in jail for weed, then murders
  6. How about comparing the prohibitions.

    Show what alcohol does such as drunk driving, but there is currently no law against the use of alcohol.

    In opposition, show a mellowed out stoner that smokes for some medical reason. But he's in jail for possesion.

    not making sense, i'm a bit baked

  7. #7 bobsagget, Sep 21, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 21, 2009
    I don't know if you've realized it that comparing the "two evils" in the governments eyes is just helping their cause. We need to come up with something original such as legit reasons pot should be legalized.

    If you show it to be not as bad as alcohol all they will say is why have both then. It's just a pointless arguement after that point.

    I say you go from more of a basic human rights stand point such as the constitution and it guaranteeing certain unalienable rights. Just my 2 cents

  8. Good point, well taken. My logic can be dimmed by Delta 9

  9. not to be an asshole but the right to get high is far from inalienable.

    im not saying it shouldnt be illegal but its not inalienable and isnt even a right, its a privilegde
  10. Not trying to be a dick, but one of the admirable things about political cartoonists is the fact that they can think of their own ideas.

    Analogy: I don't care if I can watch someone shred solos on the guitar for hours, I would much rather hear a well written song by a guitar player.

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