
Discussion in 'General' started by Frank White, Nov 27, 2005.

  1. why the fuck ent they doing what they're supposed to be doing??? arresting perverts and kiddie fiddlers?? why waste time money and all their energy on innocent members of the public like us?? stinging us with petty shit, what a waste of tax payers money. @ the end of day what fucking harm r we doing?? if the police had their priorities right then maybe there would be more justice in the world !!! :mad:
  2. I like being a criminal

    gives me enemies

    aka the police
  3. I like the job the police do, other than arresting my perception of an "innocent" person. It's the God complex they develope BECAUSE they are police that I hate. They think they can do anything because they are cops.
  4. THEY dont make up the rules, they still have to follow them. Not like they all sit around at the station and say aite lets go bust all the potheads because we hate weed and we make all the laws
  5. It's like any other job some are good and some aren't, I've been fortunate and haven't encountered the pricks.
    I have walked away with them knowing I have weed.
  6. People say that all the time, Even weed smokers and other 'criminals'.

    But isn't it also they're job to go after sexual predators more then prostitues and drug users?

    They do stings for drug users and prostitutes contsnatly. Whiles they'res sexual predators on almost every block in a rough neck of the woods.

    C'mon cops. Get with the program and get off your power trips.

  7. how you know they arent doing their job they are paid to do maybe arresting people doing the double sitting on there ass sponging money off the system AND not growing,lol what harm are you doing making a market for dealers imop priorities you sure you havent got a radio on your head..yeah when you got your priorities right give Me an fn shout..50 faces
  8. i waas thinking about becoming a cop myself maybe. i either wouldnt give a single shit about weed or if i did find some i would just take it for myself and give them a warning. only problem is i dont think i could deal with the embarassment of being a fucking pig
  9. well dude.. you gotta think about it, they aren't god. They can't just detect shit. I mean its WAY easier to spot a pot head than a sexual predator.
  10. that's my future job...trying to get weed legal. i'll lead the way if I have the supporters! peace and much love
  11. I think they could put more power and energy towards this, Then taking the easy way out.
  12. like i said, they arent god.. they're just like you. Pretend you got a job as a cop and someone says "hey keepsmokinreefa, go outside and put more power and enery towards bad things!" and you go out and go.. ok.. what the fuck does that mean.. i mean they really dont have any high tech equipment to detect sexual predators or anything, they get leads and stuff but again.. its way easier to spot a pothead than a sexual predator.. if they focus the whole force on just searching for sexual predators and murders, they would lose all their money because they wouldnt be giving tickets for weed, traffic violations or anything like that.. You dont get any money for puttin someone away for the rest of their life. So if they did that, there'd be no police at all..
  13. To be fair, I've sat in parks and been smoking, police drive by and its obvious what we are doing, they just let us be.

    I used to hate on the police sometimes but the majority of the police do protect our sorry asses from idiots. I've been involved directly and indirectly with the police for a few serious crimes (inc witness, support, victim, accused) and they've been nothing but doing their job fairly and doing quality work - even when I've been arrested. Take on the chin, not many are there to take your freedom away. Maybe just get a couple of grams... ;)

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