Police: Woodburn, Oregon priest chased boy down street after abuse

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Swills, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. #1 Swills, Aug 17, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 17, 2012
    "Father Angel touched me"

    Police: Woodburn priest chased boy down street after abuse | OregonLive.com



    The Rev. Angel Armando Perez at Saint Luke Catholic Church in Woodburn, Oregon.

    According to the police report Father Angel asked the boys parents if he could take the boy on a mountain trip. The night before the mountain trip the family attended a church function. Father Angel took the boy to his house after the party. Once at their house they watched a movie. An air mattress was set up in the living for the boy and after the movie he went to sleep. The boy was later awoken by flashes and it was then he saw Father Angel standing over him in just his underwear & a t shirt while taking pictures [with a cell phone] and touching himself. The boy also discovered his pants and underwear were down to his knees. At this time Father Angel went upstairs and the boy went to pack his things eager to leave. Not long after Father Angel returned and laid down on the mattress and told the boy come back to bed. This is when the boy ran out of the house in the search for help, which he found.

    Father Angel says he was drinking at the church function, so much so he and the boy had to be driven home. Once at the house, while they were watching the movie Father Angel said he drank another beer. He blames the whole incident on alcohol, claiming he blacked out. He drove drunk to the child's house that night and begged for forgiveness, saying it was he who sinned, that he made a mistake not the Catholic Church. He also showed the boys parents his cell phone telling them the pictures are gone.

    What can I say about the Catholic Church that hasn't already been said. At this point people should be safer than sorry and NEVER leave their children with a Catholic priest. There are good priests out there but I'm sorry to say the rampant child abuse cases via Catholic Priests is disgusting and continuing. In fact, I hope the entire religion implodes and forever dies, but more importantly that people stop going to these churches and giving them their money and time.

    What would Jesus do?

  2. Guy looks like a total creep.
  3. Pedos always do look like pedos! Sandusky? Need I say more? The parents must not be familiar with the Catholic church's numerous cases of child abuse. Catholic priest looking like that wants to take your child alone with him on a camping trip. Catholic priest gets drunk the night the parents GIVE their child to him to take home. The writing is on the wall.
  4. That shits crazy. The whole catholic priest pedophile thing is seriously way out of hand.
  5. i dont get why all these damn priests touch little boys.. what is it about priests?
  6. Well really, what do you expect from those catholics? lol
  7. Why a 12 year old? Thats too old, at that age they are more capable of escaping and more likely to rat you out. Seven would be the ideal age!

    Im just kidding, no need to get on my ass people. Lol.
  8. dont worry.. were not priests
  9. religion is a great disguise for sick fucks
  10. and crazy fucks
  11. I wonder if the popes ever buttfucked a little boy, I think it's extremely likely.

  12. I think masks work better
  13. Who seriously let's a grown man take a little boy on a mountain trip alone...
    I read the report, no where was there mentioned anyone else was going on this excursion.
    Especially a priest, I mean c'mon, it's 2012 and it's not common knowledge
    that there is nothing harder than a priest at a playground.

    (Disclaimer: I am Not saying all priests are gay pedophiles, just most of them)
  14. #14 Swills, Aug 17, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 17, 2012

    Pope accused of covering up abuse of 200 boys - Telegraph


    Pope accused of covering up US priest's abuse of 200 deaf boys

    Documentary on sexual abuse of deaf children premieres at Toronto Film Festival - Toronto Disability | Examiner.com

    Other recent news,

    Philadelphia monsignor imprisoned for covering up child sex abuse - Yahoo! News


  15. I hope Mr. Lynn get's some of his colleague's medicine and I hope it's not pretty.
    But instead of constantly pushing the blame on depraved priests I think this thread's
    original story is a fine example of how bad parenting leads to child rape. Not saying
    that being a model parent would solve the case, but at least you aren't gift wrapping
    your child's innocence to some middle aged man with liquor on his breathe.
  16. well I certainly dont think it helps that priests cant get married, and choir boys are the easiest for them to get their hands on. though honestly you could just take off your collar and go to the next town over to get a piece of pussy or ass whatever their particular thing is.
  17. I hear ya about the parents not having the foresight to see this coming but I definitely put all the blame on the Catholic priests. Any child molester gets full blame and hatred from me, all day every day.

    That said, the boy and his family are Hispanic, and Hispanics are the Catholic churches last hope in America. They're die hard Catholics and there's a lot of them and the church needs those numbers to fill their coffers.
  18. #18 Swills, Aug 17, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 17, 2012
    I'm on the side that says priests should be able to get laid and married, but that said, these priests aren't straight men gone gay, gone pedo because they are in the church and SOMETIMES around kids. If they were straight men they can and will find a way to have sex with a woman. It's not like they're in prison and are all out of options. These men were always pedos and the church is the perfect cover for them. And it seems they have infested and over taken the church. If they church want's proof of Satan they only have to look at themselves, all the way to the pope.
  19. yea, I actually wouldnt be surprised if its just not something the church finds condemning based on history. like in japan samurai would have sex with young guys/boys because it was believed women stole their manhood and there was plenty of boy love going on in europe and middle east.

    I think I read/heard something about a priest in mexico who actually got married or atleast has sex on the reg, and I dont remember if the church banished him or try to "support" him.
  20. #20 Swills, Aug 17, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 17, 2012
    Gross, I didn't know that about Samurai's? That's shit is for real? Wtf? Sounds like the South Park episode when Chef was killed. Sick and evil fucks have been at this since recorded history? Wtf?

    Gotta love Mexico for not giving a fuck and doing as they please. Problem with that attitude is their criminals follow that same line of thinking as well, which is why I'm not going to Mexico any time soon :laughing:

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