police took my backpack at traffic stop-say they need search warrant

Discussion in 'General' started by trappedpenguin7, Aug 4, 2011.

  1. lol i would say i hope they just took it for themselves. but knowing cops in my town they are gonna be ecstatic when they get the ok to look through the bag. Taking another stoner off the streets....good night for cops around here
  2. Better call Saul!

  3. It just doesn't work like that man. If it does where you come from any 2 bit lawyer can get you off for some dough. You got robbed.

  4. I hope so....I called a lawyer and he said they can do that. They gave me a receipt for my bag too. I'll call my lawyer tomorrow probably.

    Wish I could call saul though hahaha
  5. They kept that shit. No charges.

  6. Where the fuck do you live?? I got a $350 fine for a bong alone. Luckily the cops didn't find the weed or I'm sure it would've been at least another $300.

  7. Wow... that's crazy. Shit is fucked up in Jersey. If so and whatever they find sticks... you are going to get intent and all that shit. Even the fake weed. Hopefully they changed their mind though and smoked your bud.

  8. The lawyer i spoke with said that he doesn't see them charging me with intent with 3 little bags....But thats what i thought as well. i really hope those fuckers smoked that fake shit

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