Shit's fucked up man! I flew into LA earlier today, and almost contemplated going down to Anaheim to protest. But learning that protestors are being held without leave, and me not being an american citizen I would wind up in jail faster than you could blink. Plus I have no constitutional rights here.
wow.... shit like whats going on in this video really makes me glad to not live in the US. i keep reading about things happening in the US which makes me angry, and then i realize im Canadian and that these things arent happening in my country, so i have a lot less to worry about.... ...just my aunt who moved to socal a few years ago.
Yeah, I started wondering about that, then I realized, it's in case pepper spray is being used, to prevent it from getting in the horses eyes. The horse would throw the rider in an instant. Actually, the cops on horse back have one big weakness, horses spook easily. Just get an air horn and those cops will be on the ground in an instant...
im sure they somehow train the horses to not freak the fuck out from loud noises lol. theyre being sent into potential combat situations.. gunshots are loud. they train dogs so i really cant see why they wouldnt train the horses similarly.
those people are jsut asking fr it yelling at the cops a bit it dosnt at all mean they deserve to randomly get kidnapped like that but if i was there as soon as i saw all the cops with rifles and hte chopper and fucking horse cops and bike cops like a whole fucking battalion id be going the other way shet i dont even like being around cops
In my area the cops don't train the dogs. Dog trainers train dogs. Then they sell or even donate said dogs to police or people who want protection dogs or service/work dogs. But I can't see why their horses would not be bred and trained for at least some amount of bravery or whatever traits that make them good police horses. The police dogs I've seen were bred and chosen for their specific behavior traits. I'd imagine it's the same for other police animals. EDIT: Why are these people rioting? Is OWS still going on?
who said cops train dogs? i said "they" which could mean anybody. plus i had military in mind while thinking of this lol.
[quote name='"grass man420"']those people are jsut asking fr it yelling at the cops a bit it dosnt at all mean they deserve to randomly get kidnapped like that but if i was there as soon as i saw all the cops with rifles and hte chopper and fucking horse cops and bike cops like a whole fucking battalion id be going the other way shet i dont even like being around cops[/quote] Thanks for your support .... Haha
People like you are the reason this country is becoming a policed state and why corruption continues. Just turn the other cheek because people like yourself have no balls. A week ago cops shot and killed 2 men within 2 days and nothing happened to the police officers. First man was shot and killed one day, then a protest broke out and cops fired on the crowd with "non-lethal" rubber bullets/pellets and they killed a teen, shot him in the head. Then one of their dogs attacked a woman, man and knocked over their babies stroller. The media REFUSES to cover the story.
OWS is going on but nothing like it was supposed to be. I believe someone said that in spring and summer people would return but no one really did. To be honest its sort of a shoddy movement anyways, the revolution for libertarianism/ron paul movement in this country has obviously more credibility than OWS
Too bad the media will just bunch them all in the same category of Nut job wackos. I guess believing in a founding document is crazy? I wish the ppl of SoCal would revolt to this bullshit. Im curious as to how the horses would react to fireworks going off? My blood is boiling after seeing that shit. I am really starting to think peaceful revolution is not going to be possible When will the people realize the marching ain't accomplishing shit other then getting some no violent people criminal records. I really want to stand in unison with these protesters but I can't handle sitting back and watching the cops abuse our rights. I would 100% get arrested and most likely beaten with out mercy. I can't join a protest until people start fighting back because if im the only one fighting shit ain't going to end very well for me.(Fighting against tyranny, not cops who are being respectful of the protest, most are not but some do).