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Police dogs scratched up my car

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by Kyd75, Jan 1, 2013.

  1. So it was the first day back from winter break at my school, and the district decided to do one of their random drug searches. During drug searches, no one is allowed to enter or leave the school OR classes, to avoid anyone coming into contact with the police Canines. After the search I was called down to the office where I was told that my car had been marked for possible drugs. I had to walk the officer out to the parking lot and let him search my car for any narcotics. As I approached my car, I noticed that there were dirty paw prints and huge scratches all over the side door where one of their dogs had 'discovered' a trace. They searched my car (which barely has anything it it anyway) for about half an hour before rudely telling me that there didn't "appear" to be any narcotics inside. They also mentioned that I need to be careful what I do around school. First of all, I've never even had weed in my car, let alone anywhere near the school parking lot. Second, they searched ever fucking place in there and still didn't apologize for anything. I was dismissed back to class and told that the district will be "keeping an eye on me".

    So now here's my problem. I've got a car door that looks completely like shit, and I've been marked as some kind of probable delinquent, and all because some dog thought it smelled something that wasn't even there. What can I do? And how can I keep these assholes from doing this again to someone else??
  2. You should've taken photographs right away and said something to the officer immediately which would've let them know that the scratches and paw prints were not there beforehand.

    I don't know if that would've accomplished anything but its worth a try.
  3. Go talk to a lawyer. They are the only ones who can really give you the advice you need.
  4. Sue the fuckers.
  5. Yes, hopefully you took some pics, as that would be needed for any recourse there.
    As to your rights as a student in America: I believe the supreme court has essentially ruled schools are a "rights free zone" to insure everyone's "safety" while at school. :rolleyes:

    And who knows what they are searching for. In the fallout of these shooting events in the media, I'm sure guns are on their minds. As sensitive as dogs noses are, you could have had a joint in there a month ago, or went to a gun range with a family member, and that dog might "signal" based on the residual smells.

    DO NOT bring anything to school. You have no rights there, sadly.
    It's like they are conditioning everyone in that setting for being a lifelong "criminal."
    Easier to get you accustomed to having no rights from an early age in special "rights free" zones. :(
  6. That's the thing though, I don't have any firearms, and I never smoke in my car. I don't get behind the wheel if I've been near bud. And it's not because I think I couldn't drive, it's just a personal standard. And they searched lockers too. The dogs didn't even respond to mine, and all of the contents of my locker sat in my car the entire 2 weeks of winter break, because I didn't want to leave them at school.
  7. Go to the principal and inform him you will be taking legal action to get your door fixed unless they take care of it right away
  8. Take pictures. Ask the school if they'll help (ha, you know they won't. But you tried. And now you move on). Go to the police department (your shit better be clean, no drugs on you or in the car) and file a formal complaint. Include the pictures and fill everything out as thoroughly as you can.
  9. You should have gave the dog chocolate. I heard they love that shit.
  10. Also emphasize that no drugs were found in the search and that the officer was extremly rude "appears to be clean". and complain that you are under unfounded suspicion because some cop believe a dog told him there were drugs in your car. here what you should have said:

    Cop: Dog said there is drugs in your car

    you: The dog said theres drugs in the car? Are you sure your not on drugs officer?
  11. Get good grades, go to college and become an attorney specializing in law enforcement abuse.
    Find clients who have been abused by the cops.(this is the easiest part)
    Enjoy the riches that will be flowing your way!
  12. #12 Green Gooma, Jan 2, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 2, 2013
    Cool story bro. Now you have somthing to discuss with friends and family during those awkward quiet moments.
  13. Imo, as soon as you saw the scratches, and knew you were clean, you should have started raising hell about the damage....and not stopped, and gone to the schools admin. office and raised hell there as well about them letting the cops damage your car...don't let them walk all over you, op.....

  14. For the most part, this is true, but if and only if you're dealing with an actual police officer OR a school official who has been granted the right to act as one (this is not something that is actually "granted" by a person, but rather by very specific situations in the educational code.)

    In all reality, the school officials will always act like cops - LET THEM - it's up to you to prove in court that they were overstepping the bounds of their authority at the time, and it's not as hard to do as it might sound. I got a case thrown out because a school security guard "detained" me in his office unlawfully after school hours while waiting for my parents, after I was caught with nearly an O and most definitely enough evidence for intent to sell (luckily the school sheriff was out that day.)

    Anyway, this is all tangential to OP's post since it seems these were actual officers. OP should have politely mentioned it when it happened and made it clear that he expects compensation. Probably would've made things easier, but at this point I think it's still well within the realm of possibility that a decent lawyer could get your refund for you. I wouldn't even talk to the school about it any more, if none of the staff was involved then they are completely irrelevant at this point. Talk to a lawyer and he'll present your case (if he determines you have one) to the police department itself.
  15. why would he politely mentioning it?
    the officers where being fucking rude. they deserve nothing like that.
    obviously he should be rude and say stupid shit.
    but i wouldn't be polite.
    if he's able to get compensation he'll get it. whether he uses his please, and thank you's. hahah.

  16. There are all kindsa bullshitty disturbing the peace, resisting arrest, etc. charges you can get simply for being a dick to cops. Anyone who has the slightest bit of experience will tell you the same. Add that to the fact that it's on a school campus, and you're a dumbass teenager (at least in the eyes of a cop) and you'll be in court for months before you know it.

    Again, that is really really reallllllllly dumb advice. Court is the only place you should ever argue with an officer - unless we're talking real, physical/sexual abuse. Cops don't even know the penal codes they're supposedly enforcing half the time (and this is a good thing for you, in the long run.) Arguing with them doesn't do shit but get you some trumped up charges. If you get arrested, try your hardest to act like an adult.

  17. You have much to learn sir...
  18. i meant obviously he shouldn't be rude and say stupid shit.
    i have much to learn?
    i'm polite as fuck to cops.
    but no, an officer can't arrest you for resisting arrest OR distrubance of peace if you call them out for mistakes they made.
    don't raise your voice at an officer, be smart, say what you need to say.
    you seem to think i don't know anything. hahahhah.

    edit: also it's not arguing with a cop, arguing with a cop is stupid and does nothing.
    it's stating that they fucked your car, and was being rude saying they'll keep and eye out for you.

  19. I have four friends who might disagree with you lmao. But cops always follow the rules right? Again...I don't even have to say anything to'll see in time lol...

    And yeah, of course you mention it. Is that not what I said? I said don't be a dick about it. If you really think that being a dick to a cop is gonna help you in any way (other than satisfying your penchant for childish outbursts) then you're straight up retarded lmao.
  20. what the fuck are you talking about. your "four" friends fucked up i'm sure and were being stupid.
    i've encountered plenty of cops.
    if they're in the wrong they're in the fucking wrong. nothing else.
    okay, so i tell you your dogs scratched up my car, and tell him he was very rude and i don't appreciate it.
    he arrests me for that?
    okay see you in court officer, also have fun going on a break from your job for being a stupid cop and not doing your job right.
    i told him to logically call the cop out for what he did. cops don't need to be treated like princesses, half the time they automatically treat you like shit for NO reason.
    they can't arrest you for doing nothing wrong.

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