Police Brutality during Occupy Cali

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Inexpsyphy, Nov 10, 2011.

  1. Truly annoying and disgusting - here I thought, in the 21st century we've evolved passed this kind of behavior...especially from our "protectors" in which we pay for. I thought they went through the academy to learn discipline and shit... (???)

    Violence Surfaces:

    Officer 2nd from the left...he looks right....then left...then attacks - wow. Ironically the camera man he was looking for was right behind him.
    Occupy Cal 11/9/11 - YouTube!
  2. The police seem to not know shit, what's a good way to stop protesters, give them something more to protest about :rolleyes: Fucking idiots, did you see what they were doing to people in the Oakland protest. Pretty sure they killed a war vet, he might not be dead yet but he's seriously injured.
  3. I just saw the video elsewhere.

    WOw. I don't even know what to say, its getting fucking ridiculous tbh. Its just a fucking guy wearing a uniform. Fuck.

  4. I 100% agree but even that court ruling has not stopped police from breaking or confiscating cameras and arresting the person filming. THE POLICE MAKE LAWS UP CONSTANTLY! What can we do besides follow their orders? If I told a police officer no that I would not give up my camera I guarantee you he would beat the shit out of me and break it and if I did anything other than huddle on the floor and take it i would go to prison for a LONG TIME. Police literally have no check or balance when they can get away with ignoring court rulings.
  5. Who says you are not playing right into their hands? What if they want people to get angry, and fight back...wouldn't it make sense to let videos like this to go viral, and then when others start to fight back, there is reason to crush them. Same idea with sending your govt goons into any protest, you can always incite violence, and quickly discredit any protest. Now, I am not saying that is the case, but what's to stop it?
  6. Seems to me the cop looking left/right is barking commands at the other cops standing to his left and right. He barks something, "...moving forward. MOVE!!" Then the shoving starts. Anybody know the true story and not just the spin? Not that it would excuse the cops, but it certainly helps to know the full story on what's happening.

    As they say, there are 3 sides to every story. My side, your side, and the truth.

  7. I believe the campus permitted the students to protest but told them they couldn't camp out. Some camped out with tents so the pigs showed up to take them down. They did so...then decided to stand there and beat up unarmed kids.
  8. They should try and organize a sit in.

    Protesters sitting down and inter-locking arms would be a much more effective way of demonstrating in my opinion because then, police would be less likely to engage in police brutality.This would actually force police to follow proper follow procedures, ask them to get up and leave, then proceed to cuff those who choose to remain sitting down.

    It would look a lot worse for police if they started swinging their weapons on protesters who were merely sitting down.

    However, it is the prostesters' responsibility to come with the best possible strategy to voice their message of concern. I am not saying the demonstrators are in the wrong just agreeing that this type of behavior is unacceptable.
  9. They are going to fuck up and were going to have another Kent state over this I can feel it in my bones. Hopefully it strengthens the movements resolve. But I wouldn't mind if it prompted a violent revolution. Am I wrong for thinking this?
  10. #11 maxrule, Nov 11, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 11, 2011
    I'd tell them that I know how to file suit against the city and I'm in the mood for litigation. Most cops do not know the law and if you do know the law then you may whip them in court.

    Learn some legal lingo and use it on them. If they hear the word litigation enough times it may rattle them. One thing that most cops fear is the law being used against them.

    You'd be smart to travel in packs with cameras and then spread out. Pinhole cams are even better.

    Check out this clip. This one infuriates me to know end.

    The huge cop with the mustache intentionally pushes the young lady wearing the bandana in to another cop so that they can beat and arrest her for assault.

    I oppose violence but after seeing this I'd like to rip his ass open and stomp on his guts. I think that's a natural reaction.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1R2MBuVQPA&feature=player_embedded"]NYPD Violently Elbow Peaceful Female #OccupyWallStreet Protestor Knocking Her To The Ground - YouTube[/ame]
  11. Shit pisses me off. I try to keep my distance, try to meet the conservatives in debate, change their minds before they right me off as a crazy hippie, but police brutality really gets my goat, makes me feel like I need to make a stand myself.

    I don't think violent revolution is the answer, but I'm not sure a vote is the solution at this point.
  12. If public masturbation was legal I'd amass an army of chronic masturbators and attack the police with our loads of justice.
  13. Oh god... please do it anyway. I'm still laughing just from the mental image.
  14. Oh man....

    bop bologna in the face of tyranny.

    eeeeewwwwww..... :p

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