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Pokemon Yellow

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by Ali_g_indahouse, Jun 9, 2009.

  1. Playing this game right now its so fucking awesome.
  2. I remember that game. I used to love that shit.
  3. My mew is a straight up pimp.
  4. dude. A pokemon game where Pikachu follows you and you can get all three starting pokemon?

    This is an act of god. Pokemon yellow is his gift to man. :smoking::smoking:
  5. Gengar is the biggest badass around.
  6. Blastoise man, Blastoise.
  7. The only thing better then having a Blastoise is having a Blastoise, a Charizard, AND a Venasuar. Thats why you gotta love pokemon yellow :smoking:
  8. Hell yeah
  9. Surfing Pikachu ftw
  10. yea fuck all the new games, although Gold and Silver were good
  11. Ruby and Saphire were pretty good too. I stopped playing Pokemon after that though. Just grew out of it.
  12. I've been debating if I should buy a DS just to play the new pokémon game.

    Pokémon has to be one of the best RPG's ever made.

  13. gengar, or any ghost pokemon, is only good in low to mid levels. at that stage in the game, you are fighting a lot of normal pokemon, or pokemon with some normal attacks. and because normal attacks cant hit ghost, he wrecks. but later on in the game his strengths become less useful and his weakness starts to show. psychic types are more prevalent, and there is nothing that gengar can do against a kadabra or alakazam, or even something like a slowbro. psychic just tears him apart.

    god im a nerd

  14. who is mew again?:confused::eek:

    haha just kidding :D

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