Poems. Enjoy.

Discussion in 'The Artist's Corner' started by Ypres, Jun 25, 2007.

  1. Street Corner
    Streets so empty, an eerie silence
    Trash blows across the vents, lifts slowly
    Grey and Black, strangely metallic and cold
    A breeze leaves a chill and the mist rises

    And there on the corner is the sage
    Hair hanging like branches, held up by a greasy glue
    Hands encrusted, coated in slime and filth
    Dark blue eyes, blood-shot and dry

    As I walk by he raises his claws and beckons me
    He probes my soul and senses my distress
    His words so smooth with beauty like a melody
    How he can tell I can not begin to know

    In front of me he stands up, dew falls to the ground
    His stained shirt and torn pants make me step back
    He makes a wry smile with mossy, yellow teeth
    With his fingers he points, let him take you, not yourself

    I am no king of two nations, I can not rule both
    I am no god of two universes, only one worships me
    I am not a driver of two cars, I must drive one
    Nor a baker and an iron worker, a vegetarian and
    butcher, nor alive and dead, I am undead
    I can not be on Earth and the moon
    I can not swim and die of thirst
    I have no dream yet I am in space
    Without hope yet faithful, shielded
    from desire yet unarmored from the world
    I am falling yet standing
    I am strumming yet tone deaf
    Seeing though I have no eyes
    Devoid of Consciousness though awake, feeling
    pain though numb, I can not choose and be alive
  2. Silent Night
    The air is cool whether by my emotion s or the night
    I am surrounded by a serene tranquility, an undying calmness
    It is the last moments for me to endure and enjoy
    The perilous task ahead beckons to be finished
    My eyes close, my body breathes, no longer to be
    A dream of a candle that has been snuffed out
    No longer mighty, nor ever were, punily pathetic
    I reach for the finality once more, I sigh
    Destined to end but the deadline extended again
    The roaring of my heart is like a lion, but without courage
    I collapse, as cold as the night air, or rather my soul

    Styx flows daily and rightly, uncontrollably
    Surrounded by light, flanked by purity, yet hollow
    The core, the depth is darkness, the soul flawed
    Passively failing into disrepair, addicted to its own death
    Without hope, but always hoping, without faith, but true
    Darkness triumphs evermore as the soul longs to leave
    To be sent up or down is not its care, only to be gone
    Maybe to a place where pleasure and laughter are free
    The rimmed halo, glistening and bright shudders at it
    The crusted horns, clawing and biting flee from it
    One simple action, one desire brings so much pain
    One simple action that should bring so much pleasure
  3. With Both Hands
    I sit and instantly my pulse sharply rises
    My face is calloused, stern, apathetic, perfect
    I pull the scraps and place them in front of me
    I receive plastic in exchange, I am ready
    The two icons are tossed at me, I glance
    Numbers, colors and shapes with such meaning
    The others glare and stare like piercing arrows
    I throw my plastic in the middle, it is greedily eyed
    The scraps are flopped into the center
    Livelihood is thrown into the cauldron
    I throw my own sweat and tears as another ingredient
    Another scrap is turned, fear is creeping in
    What do the others possess, what do I need
    We pull, prod, infuriate; Give me a sign
    The last scrap slides into view; brief silence
    The last plastic, the toiled treasure, is thrown
    The icons show themselves to be liars and thieves
    One sits and looks with a smile, the fox among them
    My grin is devious as I toss my scraps and collect the plastic
    Defiant, haughty and satisfied I wait for more
    Always more

    A glance, a look, a touch, some hope
    All I ask for
    To hold, to care, to love, desire
    All I want
    The warmth, the smile, the laugh, peace
    All I need

  4. I liked them all, especially, "Street Corner"
  5. Rise
    Patterns in the mist, patterns in the mist.
    Rise, Rise
    Patterns in the mist, patterns in the mist.
    Rise, Rise
    Do we see what we see
    Or only what we want to see
    Do we see what we see
    or only what we want to see
    For the world we live is changed
    From our perception arranged

    Done Deal
    Life is not a done deal with the outcome sealed
    It can be changed and warped to suit the idler
    Split apart into parallels all drifting into one
    Then they do not become parallels but angles
    All coming towards one point, the focus
    In that focus is your God, the universe
    Change it with your free will if you must
    It is the center of everything and anything

    Shall I?
    As the net rises with the fish
    So Shall I
    As the sun sets with night
    So Shall I
    As the flowers bud into bloom
    So Shall I
    As Life continues through everything
    So Shall I

    As the world unites with peace
    So Shall we
    As the earth becomes one
    So Shall we
    As tolerance is with merit
    So Shall we
    As love makes miracles
    So Shall we

  6. Very deep. Love them.
  7. Sinking
    It spins around like a tornado but with the allure of a carousel
    You both fear it but find it oddly desirable and elusive
    Calling to you you walk closer and inspect its oddities
    Unusually dark, shafted, sharp and completely jaded
    Smack it, burn it, warp it, torch it, beat it, clean it
    You can not escape it now, it has become everything in you
    You are living by it but forever dying by it
    Grabbing hold of anything you fight away
    But its too late, the hold tightens
    You spiral, sinking

    O, ok
    Don't avoid the life put in front of you
    Do what your told on your cue
    Listen up and don't shed a tear
    I got your life for you right here

    Tear yourself apart trying to stop me
    But I'll be the one, the mystery
    Conform, reform and out-preform
    Lke living life under chloroform

  8. these are great! What a relief from the typical poems that we see on here. All very well done, with purpose and excellent word flow.
  9. Hummingbird
    A warm night among the many houses of congregation rouses my curiosity and need for brotherhood. I enter the area of excitement and activity, so much going on; it is almost overwhelming. I glide into the hive of movement moving so slowly when everything else is moving so quickly.

    I observe what is around me when I see her standing there. We catch glances and exchange smiles but I see so much sadness in that beautiful face. Someone that pretty should not be sad. She is friendly but troubled and I go to investigate.

    The small talk and interview begin. She is like me, unable to smile at the world that she is trying to enjoy. Surrounded by happiness, joyful debauchery and blissful ignorance we can not truly smile. Without this we can not truly live and we feel the emptiness. But now there is a togetherness, not dependence but a sense of completion. The wonders of understanding and mutual struggle.

    I extend my hand and she touches it. I feel the warmth in her hands and it rises to my heart. I can feel again and it is enchanting. We exist again; we are again. She leads me away to a better time where I will gain a sense of fulfillment with my new found desire to live and love.

    Why hasn't this happened yet?
  10. I've been writing some short stories instead of poetry recently.
    84 in 34
    Stepping through the dark street and slinking through the alleys on his path to the convenience store. He Steps through and browses the sodas coming up with a Mountain Dew.

    “Hey, two peach papers and a pack of Marlboro.”

    “6.50 sir.”

    He is Eighty-four in the year 2034, skin of a sixty year old, third heart, seventh set of lungs. It seems God does not want him on the Earth, but science strands him. A modern day Frankenstein but this time Man is triumphing. He snatches the merchandise on the ground and walks to the poorly-lit parking lot. Looking over his shoulder, as if guilty, he lights the first two cigarettes simultaneously.

    His smoke flows upwards in lofty patterns that make him ponder his hard life. He’s endured coal mines, wars, aftermath and cancer three times including his bout now. There’s a look of sad wonder in his eyes as he ponders his life. Thoughts creep through his head asking about the various actions and occurrences and why they happened. He can’t figure out; but fate or destiny he postulates.

    Unscrews the Mountain Dew and glances at the yellow green liquid. With a sigh he takes a swig but not after hitting it with some vodka. He tries to forget his life and live in the present but always reminisces. He does not want to but that is his nature. Has life gotten worse or is he simply unlucky?

    The Earth obviously does not thank us and is she pushing Karma onto one person. Martyrdom without a cause is a cruel way for this man. Four cigarettes discarded, half a mountain dew sloshing in his stomach and a cruel past are all that becomes this man in his moment of epiphany. He isn't even aware as he forgets the past for this brief moment. He enjoys his drag and watches the smoke circle as he steps back into the alley and disappears.
  11. Theistic Thesis
    Left in the dark I wander around
    Missing the light since it's holy
    I don't devout nor believe
    It is not there; it's been proven

    Miracles don't actually occur
    Someone tricks themselves
    Tired or stressed out visions
    Superstition makes a mockery

    Worship is inevitable to some
    Those they worship cannot resist
    Greater and greater forever
    The one at the end is infinite

    The list becomes long and narrow
    Becoming a sloping triangle
    The name at the end is not long
    But it has existed forever

    Dreams can not display it
    Religion has not found and used it
    It is unimaginable in the end
    It is everything but nothing
  12. I particularly like this one I just wrote.

    Intelligence is bliss
    I am the intellectual
    The Anarchist mind on the offensive
    Swift words, taunting repartee
    I see a perfect world

    I am the intellectual
    The billowing thunder in the sky
    Striking thoughts, wondrous applause
    I see the tired world

    I am the intellectual
    The pacing speed of my heart
    Boiling blood, dreaded truths
    I see the corrupted vision

    I am the intellectual
    The dirtying slander through power
    Caustic desires, trademarked lies
    I see the faulty system

    I am the intellectual
    And I will not be stopped

    The streetlight shines on the black pavement casting an orange shadow
    Lost souls, tired souls, elated souls and the rich have walked under it
    It has watched great sorrow and lit the scene of lovers’ passion
    It sleeps in the day and awakens in the night to cast its glorious glow
    No one thinks twice of the happenings it has scene, the world it knows
    It has been cursed, kicked, perched upon and used as a bulletin board
    Dogs have used it as a bathroom but it simply does not care
    But how I wish it could speak its wisdom from its experiences to me
    The moments it has seen, the dialogue it has heard, the rough hands it has felt
    All of this becomes a reminder that we need to sit down and watch the chaos
  13. Little Girl
    Little girl with the needles in your arm
    What would daddy say about you now
    Little girl pushing everyone away
    The dark makeup glows around your eyes

    Pulled a trick just to get a hit last night
    Fell asleep staring at the walls of some motel
    Being used like the substance you abuse
    Little girl please don't run away from me

    Blinked twice to realize you were there
    Lying on that moldy couch all alone
    Haven't felt love since years back
    The knife begins to look very friendly

    She carves her initials into the wall
    But worse, also into her writhing arm
    Control the pain so you have something
    Used the knife to end the pain forever
  14. Red Glow
    The sun casts a shadow as it sets on my childhood
    I lose sight of everything I once knew and learned
    Old thoughts and visions cease to exist, unwanted
    The dark night is reflected within my own self
    I become a recluse, still childish in my actions
    Trying to become something I am not, so foolish
    But a glowing red begins to shine across the Earth
    Optimism resurfaces for me as the sun rises again
  15. The Siege
    Jagged buildings
    like gnawing teeth
    cut the sun
    that bleeds the morning.
    Concrete cracked and crumbling
    sit in their foundations with blown off heads
    while giant wounds in their sides
    caused by artillery that weave an endless thread
    Streets are littered--
    rifles, photo albums, corpses, cribs
    tanks, cars, shit-stained pants, teddy bears,
    a bloated stomach near an outstretched hand
    of a toddler hoping for one last touch
    from its own mother.
    Once bustling, now empty--
    The city will be filled again
    and the battle remembered
    as a National holiday
    while those who died
    get a pitiful moment of silence
  16. Perfect Fit
    We lie like a key in a lock
    a perfect fit
    My hand slides across her hourglass shape
    caressing, massaging, just holding
    Our eyes closed
    we both focus
    on feeling each other
    Her warmth puts me at rest
    I am calm and content
    But, My God...
    She is Beautiful!
    Eyes like a mountain pool
    Frame like an hourglass
    Smile to melt me in my shoes
    I grab her
    flip her
    kiss her
    I can not begin to describe
    the feeling she stirs
    within me

    A sinking feeling washes over me
    Irrational fear that things have gone wrong
    I must hold on to her
  17. Without Me
    Everyday I dream about the emptiness inside
    My life looks like withered grass dying in the sun
    I keep saying how things will change with the tide
    All I dream about is how my time is done

    So life can go on as planned without me
    Life can be changed without me
    There will still be peace and happiness
    And everything in between
    I know the world will still spin
    Even if I'm not around

    They say I’m young but I feel ninety seven
    I can’t believe my own thoughts
    The path in front of me leads to heaven
    I hope no one hears the shots

    I was suppose to be a rich man, raised right and true
    The expectations for me were so far away
    Now I see myself as gone with a life I blew
    Time goes by so slowly in such a strange way

    So life can go on as planned without me
    Life can be changed without me

    Originally a song, but condensed into a traditional-style poem.
  18. Chico Nights
    I don't know how I do it
    How I forget those lips of hers
    How I can forget her beauty
    to dine in my own feast
    So alone at the table
    and incredibly unhappy

    I feel the guilt of being away from her
    A guilt which is hard to understand
    I yearn for her touch
    her smile

    I desire nothing more than her happiness
    but I feel like I cause the opposite
    I want to see those beautiful lips
    in that smile I long for so much
    I want her to feel warm even
    when I'm not around

    Automotive Dreaming
    My keys clank in my hands as though they were clapping
    I am in a hurry once again to pack my bags
    Clothes, toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant
    The well-seasoned drive back to my beautiful girl
    is about to happen once again
    I'd drive 150 MPH if the law would let me
    and sometimes I try to
    I just try to get there as fast as I can
    My car roars with every press of the gas pedal
    The breaks whine as I am forced to slow down or stop
    as if they were sad it'll take just that much longer
    My mind races through thoughts of the past week
    my regrets, my triumphs but mostly it just thinks about her
    I'll get to hold her!
    There is nothing that can cause a smile on my face greater
    than that thought
  19. Family Reunion
    A piece of plywood divides the house
    Straight down the center
    The men and women stare at each other
    and then blankly at the wall
    They don't understand what has come between them

    They are confused, dazzled by the new wall
    They try to tear it down
    but begin to tear apart each other
    They grapple and fight

    The aftermath shreds everything but the wall
    It will always stand
  20. Field of Dust
    A field of dust and brush is populated by a boy, almost 14
    He sits cross-legged with his guitar which is strum, strum, strummed
    The only tree uprooted but not willing to die gives him some shade
    He lounges, his hands leaving his guitar to catch the falling leaves
    The songbook, of religious reference collects scattering dust on the ground
    His hands play The G, A and E of a popular song he hears in church
    Callouses form on his fingertips, he hopes to be a great player
    But he always sits calmly, rationally, knowing he'll never be anything
    So he picks up his bible and relies on God to show him what to be
    He knows he'll be average, marry and raise a family
    Stuck in a small town or if he's lucky some suburb
    The ruffled pages of his well-read bible shine gold on the edges
    He cannot truly understand the words that he reads so there he sits
    Quizzical look on his face, eyebrows raises, mouth slightly gaping
    He is bored and always trying to find something to interest him
    He takes a long look at his bent, black bible and tosses it to the dust

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