Plz help me start a 501 // EnD this stupid war on drugs.

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by JohnnyArmani, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. I am in dire need of some concrete information on starting a 501 non profit in the state of california. I've looked up a bunch of info but most seems outdated and not real defining. norml says 6 mature plants, 12 immature plants. it's a joke.

    I am not doin this to make any money, and I don't even want a salary for my time.
    I basically want to be allowed to #1 grow more plants for people such as friends, family members etc. and #2 any donations contributed, I want to go towards a legal defense pool for people that are wrongfully imprisoned for smoking a fu*kin plant! I want to have full control of the non profit, do it all legal so that i can't get in trouble.

    thanks to anyone who helps me, it is highly appreciated :hello:
  2. Well as for the plant limits, no need to start a non-profit in CA, that battle has already been fought and was won last week.

  3. You could go to oaksterdam U and learn how to do it.

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