
Discussion in 'Fashion & Lifestyle Trends' started by Zombiemode, Oct 5, 2010.

  1. I've been wanting plugs for so freakin long. Probably since I was like a freshman in high school. My mom never wanted me to get them though because she thought I would change my mind and regret them. Well, I haven't changed my mind so I think I am gonna get them.

    Whats the best way to go about doing so?

    My ears used to be pierced when I was a junior but the gym teachers always made me take them out even when I was supposed to leave them in, and they ended up getting infected so I let them close up.

    Should I get good looking earings when I go to get them pierced again? I don't know how long I should wait before starting the gauging process, but if I can start gauging as soon as the healing process is done from the piercing I will just get the cheapest earings they have.

    Also is there any rule to how big of a jump in size you can do safely without risk of infection? And how long do I wait between sizes?

  2. You can even get your ear pierced with a gauged needle so you wouldn't have to wait, and then keep gauging them from there.
  3. Pierce your ears at a size that you wouldn't mind having without earrings in. If you change your mind, your ears won't close any smaller than the original hole.

    If you are trying to stretch to a large size rather quickly I wouldn't spend much money on earrings until you are at the size you want.

    As far as stretching goes, you can start as soon as your ears have healed from the piercing. Usually about 6 weeks. Once your ear is no longer producing a crust and is not red on the inside you can start stretching.

    Take it slow when your stretching. Wait until your ears heal in between stretches. Wait until they are no longer red, sore, or puffy. Try to always buy metal tapers and metal plugs when stretching. It is better for the healing process and will be beneficial to your ears in the long run. You should not skip sizes. But a lot of people do so that they can stretch faster. If you are going to, make sure you dont push your ear to far. IF it doesn't fit don't force it.
  4. just get your ears pierced and start stretching them.. 16g..14..12..10..8..6..4..2..0..00g etc.

    don't use tapers, I didnt, but I also skipped like 5 sizes total.. but still you can skip around if you want from time to time just make sure they are healed up and can handle it.

    1 month for healing process, if they start to bleed wait 2 months.

  5. Id get some real ugly ones.

    just pulling your leg, go for it bro, you only live once, so live for yourself.
  6. After you get your ears pierced, which you should get done with a needle because it is cleaner and stretching will be easier, you should wait 6 months to make sure your ears are healed. I know it sounds long, but the real risk isn't infection, it's ripping your ear.
    stretching makes tiny tears in your ear, and if it's not fully healed, it will rip the piercing. It's best to go very slow. At least 2 months between stretches. The longer in between, the less pain there will be and the better your ears will look.
    Also, be sure to use metal tapers because plastic ones fuck your ears up.
  7. Never skip sizes and always wait a while after stretching. If you dont you can get a blowout. Look it up, it aint pretty and I have had them before. Also many people say that once you go past a 2 gauge that is the point of no return. Meaning that it will close up but it will never close completely. Keep in mind that is different for some people.
  8. Your not alone I want to start too! Just waiting for enough money.

  9. This is what I did, I just went and bought new sizes when my ears were healed, or before, and just waited. After you gauge, you can tell when your ear is healed, I went in order bc I didn't want blow outs or bleeding, I wanted healthy lobes.

    Also, I wouldn't gauge them again when my ears got big enough to plugs, I would buy double flares, and wait until they would just fall out, that's how I knew they were ready for the next size. I've been gauging mine since 9th grade... but it would of went faster if I had cash and didn't get pregnant a couple years later, lol... it put a long hold on it, but over this last year, I've went from 0 to 5/8ths with hardly any pain, the jump from 0 to 00 and then to 7/16" hurt! But other than that it was smooth sailing

    here's where I am now, healthy lobes!
  10. I am a 4g right now. Seeing how I'm a mom and old I think thats about all I will end up doing..
    My cousin has hers at 0 and she left them out for 4 months she then was down to 8g when she went to buy more. My sister was at a 8g and left hers out for 3 days and was back to a 12g..

    I always have mine in so I have yet to find out how fast they close up for me. My glass tapers are a bit more thick than my metal spirals and I can tell when I put the glass in that the sizes are off.

    Go slow tho and if you get yours first done at a shop you can start with a 12g. I had mine done in a mall a million years ago so I had to start from very small.
  11. [​IMG]
    7/8" ears, to show I know what Im talking about.

    Wait 6 months after you get your ear pierced before starting to stretch. Seems like a while, but you'll want to do it if you want healthy ears.

    With stretching up a size, before you stretch, make sure the inside of the lobe looks like a nice healthy skin color, and there aren't any visible tears. If so, go ahead and try to stretch up, using a taper, or the tape method (google it.) If you feel any pain, abort the stretch and return to the size you were at.

    And only stretch using stainless steel, titanium, or glass. Silicone and acrylic harbor bacteria.

    Waiting time between the sizes are about a month or two at the smaller sizes, subject to the person in question, of course. The larger sizes, you should wait about 3 to 4 months, again, subject to the person in question.
  12. Just get a regular ear piercing. Wait for it to heal fully. Then just slowly stretch your way down the gauges. Don't pierce a large gauge, you'll have a non-healable hole in your ear that will never close. It looks kind of stupid when you have a .5" circle of missing skin in your ear. They basically punch out the skin, so there's nothing to shrink back.
  13. Get them pierced PROFESSIONALLY, I mean, go to a piercing shop and have it done by hand with a needle. Piercing guns are no good. Get surgical steel studs put in, they shouldn't cost much since you wont keep them as permanent jewelry.
    They will take up to 4 months to heal, you should wash them with sea salt soaks and listen to your piercer for aftercare information.
    Don't go for the cheapest all the time, you always want surgical steel. Its basic and not spendy, but cheap metals will irritate your piercing and slow healing.

    You should wait at least a month (2 or 3 is best) between sizes. So wait for your ears to heal (at least 4 months, not just when they stop hurting) and then begin to stretch.
    Do NOT skip sizes, do NOT strectch up if your ears are sore. It should NEVER, EVER hurt to stretch your ears. If it does, immediately downsize and wait a week before you try again. They shouldn't get infected if you do it right. Every proper stretch creates micro tears in your skin, they are not enough to hurt but they can trap bacteria and become infected.
    Always clean your hands and your jewelry before you change any of it, infections are no good. Don't touch your ears when you are out in public or anything like that, there are germs all over.
    Its a long process, but big beautiful ears are so worth it in the end.

    Stay away from porous jewelry like acrylic or silicone, they trap bacteria which will infect your lobes. Stainless steel, glass, or stone are usually good options.

    King's Body Jewelry, 18 gauge - 2 inch plugs, eyelets, organic & more.. and buy a shirt - make a difference | have a pretty great selection when it comes to stretch kits and plugs.

    I really hope you like them!!
    I'm stretching my ears right now, I want to go to 5/8ths or 3/4. I'm at 1/2 inch right now.
    I think it is the most beautiful thing a person can do.
  14. I had gotten my ears pierced with a 10g needle, mind you I have never had my ears pierced before it. Now I'm at 2g, been there for a while due to my job.

    If I were you, I'd try to get the lowest gauge of needle you can go, that way you save sooooo much money in jewelry to go down to the size you want.

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