hey all I recently brought a plug in power meter to check out my qb grow light (3x 288qb HLG-320H-C2100B) I wanted to work out how many watts my light is. Im no electrician (obviously) but I’m guessing I can’t. The following readings in pics bellow. Are all readings ok? Cause I seen watts is 49.2 I thought it would be more? The lights are dimmed currently and only using 60,000 lux (I know). When I cranked my light all the way up this is the readings
Are you 240v or 120v. Sounds like you got 240v if you want the lights output you can get a dc meter for this, it goes in between the driver and the light
This my light it’s 3x atreum 288s. Powered by my HLG-320H-C2100B driver. My mate wired it up but I’m not sure how it’s wired. I’ll try and get a diagram for you. This is the atreum data sheet https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0...ng_-_288_2_Datasheet.pdf?11069388546380609797 https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0001/8359/9151/files/L071806201.pdf?17626181959985895747
So I’m not the best artist lol but I think you can still work it out. The wires are in a group of joiners in the junction box. I’m not sure if his wired right? All I now is it turned on and was bright as hell. I do want to re wire it when I get my 4th board and extra driver.
The absolute EASIEST way to know exactly what your lights are pulling at a glance... Install a little DC power meter like this one on Amazon...Wire it inline between the driver and the load... It displays everything at once....volts,amps ,and watts...and power usage. I keep one on each power supply that I have ...www.amazon.com/bayite-6-5-100V-Voltmeter-Multimeter-Amperage/dp/B013PKYAV6/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2GMK4XMN2VRPP&keywords=drok+dc+ammeter&qid=1565361953&s=gateway&sprefix=Drok+%2Caps%2C160&sr=8-3
Just realized my mistake....you need a different model,for higher voltages than mine...I'm running some 24 volt boards and some 36 volt boards on my rig...
That's a parallel circuit in your drawing but your driver is a constant current driver which is for series wiring. You are not getting even close to the performance that setup is capable of.
I ve got to go out but I can help you straighten that out later if you need. Yours should be like this with your 3rd board in the middle
I ve got to go out but I can help you straighten that out later if you need. Yours should be like this with your 3rd board in the middle View attachment 2659479