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Please, use the SEARCH Button!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Valient, Apr 12, 2010.

  1. It seems that every time i log on, there is always the same set of questions in the Amateur toker section/

    -What is that black stuff on my pipe?
    -How do i use the rep system?
    -How do i roll a joint?

    countess others. look, noobies have these questions, but the damn search bar is there to answer them, without clogging the forums. Now, if you use the search bar, and don't find your answer, then please, by all means, post your question. and include in the description that you couldnt find an answer using the search function.

    in my eyes(im sure im not the only one) youre less of a noob if you search, and youre a fucking dumbass if you ask a question that has been asked hundrds of times.

    i know this could be read in a negative tone, but i dont mean it that way. just use your fucking head. please. and i know there is a stickie on this topic, im just, eh, reenforcing the topic.

    so, with all hat in mind, go smoke a bowl, good vibes to ya!:wave:

  2. You just added to the problem of worthless posts gratssss.
  3. i should - rep you for not practicing what you preach.
  4. haha u guys caught him out. what a hypocrite :rolleyes:
  5. if you had used the search button you would realize that there are countless other threads about not usin the search button. now if WE had used the search button we would also realize there are countless other posts bitchin about threads about using the search button about threads that dont usethe search button.
    so if you look at it from my point of view technically we all fail:hello:
  6. IMO the search button fails pretty hard. Whatever I type in, the results are completely off topic and I rarely find what I need.

  7. Have you tried using the advanced search? and do you actually pay attention to the changes you can make? i find it to be quite accurate imo.

    edit: of course i see where your coming from. it took me a while to figure out what to change in order to find what i want.

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