I tend to always find myself taking short videos or pictures of me really high, or epsically lil vids of me smoking fat bong rips. Anybody else do this?
Im doing one right now. My friend does it all the time, hes got a mac and can play with awesome effects etc. But no, Im sure a ton of other people do. I sure as hell love it.
I don't, and wouldn't approve of anyone doing it unless it was their car or something. I'm not down to be recorded in any way
lolol ya im on a mac too. its just soooo easy to open up photobooth and filming your sesh. Although i havn't messed with the effects. i think i will try that now
I'm sorry, but I don't want any video evidence that I'm smoking - if it falls into the wrong hands it could be devastating. Regardless of the fact that I'm 100% legal MMJ patient, my in-laws do not know and would not approve. This is the sole reason I'm not more active in the MMJ community. If they were to find out my wife would basically be excommunicated from the family and we don't want that. ALSO, Child Protective Services has been known to go after MMJ patients who are parents. Don't forget that future employers will do background checks and if they find videos of you smoking pot, well let's just say that's not really cool with a lot of employers. I know you think it's fun and cool, but these days, videos don't go away. What happens if you piss someone off, they know there's a video and can make your life miserable. I IMPLORE you to think twice before posting videos or pictures of smoking. Look what happened to Michael Phelps and Miley Cyrus, and they got off pretty light I thought. It's just not very smart.
Sorry to hear about the fam, man. But I think they're talking about just taking the vids, not posting them. The firend who's got the mac just fucks around with the camera and all the files just sit in photobooth.
Thats all mine does too. He goes on Chatroullete alot, and does the same thing just smokes his huge ass shelock pipe, its hilarious.
Oh it's not that big a deal really, they all live in Utah, and when they visit the stuff just gets hidden that's all. It's sad that I have to keep it hidden from that part of the family and I can't be open and honest like I am with my side of the family, but it is what it is. Honestly, I'm more pissed off about my MIL's employer giving $1,000,000 to the yes on Prop 8 campaign here in California. But what can I say...not to go off on a tangeant. I'm just saying, if you feel the need to shoot video, that's all good, just be careful with what you do with it. And hey I like making videos too...of my daughter, on my iPhone...it's damn fun.
If I ever wanna see if my eyes are red, but don't feel like getting up, I'll just take a picture of my eyes. But then before looking at it, I forget and put up my phone