As a card carrying member of the Libertarian Party, I thought this might be the best place to get the word out! Please read, and if you are not a med-pot users, please foward to those you know who are!! Help get the word out, and help boot out the politicians that are blocking the relief of your friends, family members, or even yourself!! Libertarian Party Seeks Medical Marijuana Patients for TV ads. Please forward this message to any appropriate local drug reform groups or medical marijuana patients you may be aware of. The Libertarian Party is looking for medical marijuana patients who are willing to speak out publicly in TV commercials. As part of its Drug War Focus Strategy, the Libertarian Party will produce and run TV ads on the issue of medical marijuana. These ads will be used by the LP to raise public awareness of the issue, and to help defeat the worst Drug Warriors in Congress and State legislatures. We will produce ads that can be used by our 50 state parties, and that can also be customized for our more than 1,300 candidates running this year. While 73% of Americans favor medical marijuana, 90% of congress opposes it. These ads will help pressure congress to respect the will of the voters, and pass meaningful legislative relief for medical marijuana patients. We will specifically target Bob Barr with pro-medical marijuana advertising. Barr is the congressman most responsible for the war on medical marijuana users. Even among his strongest supporters, Barr is out of step on this issue. Due to this year's redistricting, Barr is very vulnerable, and we hope to ensure his defeat. In the commercials, patients will announce their profession, their medical condition, and state how medical marijuana helps to alleviate their symptoms. If you are a medical marijuana patient, and would possibly be willing to appear in a commercial, please contact me at your earliest convenience. My E-Mail is: Thank you. With your help, we will end the war on medical marijuana patients. Ron Crickenberger Political Director
very nice!..Im not a med user myself, but I know a few who are!..I'll be sure to forward this to them.
GOOD...GOOD GOOD....more more more publicity, publicity, publicity, if we have more good publicity we can open the minds of more that have been brainwashed to think that pot is bad!...we can brainwash them to think its good, brainwash them with the TRUTH! im
I printed this off and took it over to my local "head" shop.... the owner is a wonderful activist in my area for Med Pot, her husband is a cancer patient. She always has juicey little tidbits of information hanging on her announce board, amist the notices about upcoming concerts, and hemp festivals. *bump* the views on this thread are not very high.... so, hopefully this will get some more people's attention. PLEASE!!! PLEASE do all that you can to get the word out.... Sincerely, LaLa