Reptillians, Lightworkers, illuminati, dimensional shifts, dimensions, crystal children, and religious references to any of the following. IF YOU DO NOT BELIEVE IN ANY OF THIS STUFF OR WANT TO BASH ON THIS THEN STOP READING NOW AND DO NOT POST A COMMENT AT ALL! I have always wondered and wanted to learn about all of this stuff but I am not sure how or where to start. If you know any great sites for me to go on please do post your recommendations. Also If you know any great books or videos that I can look up please do share. I would also like to know about things such as mother Gaia and hidden agendas and what not. If there are any threads that talk about any of these things please post links for me to go on. These subjects are very interesting for me and I would really like to learn/study more about them. Thank you in advance.
If you really want to know I will tell you but you must keep an open mind because these things sound very cheesy. I don't know that much myself but I can share with you the information I do have. Browse around that thread and you'll come across what you're looking for.
^ thanks for posting my thread brother. I think the OP knows about it already, but thank you. Also, here is my YouTube channel. None of the videos are mine, but I have collected many videos that are very accurate (IMO) and from some of the best teachers around. People give YouTube stereotypes, but these are real, knowledgable people who just happen to use YouTube as an outlet for their info along with books, websites, etc. YouTube - Kanaal van LoveConsiousness (I spelled "consciousness" wrong in my lol) As far as a really good book, I reccomend Eckhart Tolle. He has two specifically good reads: "The Power of the Now" and "A New Earth". P.s. As you probably already know, I have looked into all of this stuff really deeply so I could probably answer any questions you have. If you have anything specific you would like to ask, I'd be happy to help. Edit: I thought I'd throw this in here. I have currently changed my views since I made the thread "important read!! It will change your life!!" This is the process. The energies come in to earth. We need to ground the energy. That raises our vibrations and the earths vibrations. That all collects and is distributed directly or indirectly to all of humanity. The higher the vibration, the higher the consciousness. The higher the consciousness, the more logical people think, the more "powers" they will access, etc. This will automatically collapse the government on it's own. The collapse of the cabal is secondary to what really has to happen. We keep raising and raising the vibrations untill mother earth starts making her metamorphous into a 5D planet and we start to evolve into 5D beings. The difference between the 3rd dimension and the 5th dimension is simply the vibration. So all we have to do is get it up high enough to 5D standards. It's all up to us. We need to fulfill our mission. If we don't do our job, this will never get done. - peace, joy, love, and light
All I know is that, the Illuminati, suckered petty bankers to give them all of the gold, in the guise of the Federal Reserve, than Fiat money was introduced. Which is money that has no more value than what you give it, and is not based on gold. They control the currency. Thus they can control all facets of society, that are based on the currency, they control by the means of, education, religion, politics, and economics. But the key one, is economics. Oh and the Illuminati was feeling Satanic, and made up Santa Claus to distract people from God, so they are more docile. I came up on something the other day. I realized random creativity is freedom, and logical order is slavery. Bible says you can either be a slave to man or to God, hence there are two governments the Kingdom of God, and the Kingdom of Satan. But when you want to break out of a government, you only need creativity. Which then allows for freedom, and so you can adapt and turn any situation your way. But creativity is best used against the orders of men, or kingdom of satan, because that is where it would be most successful. You need to be NINJA!That is when you should fear nothing. Only God. Fight to the death, for freedom, and you might attain it for others. The ultimate sacrifice.
I believe the illuminati are all part of the plan. They have no real power. They are not evil. Just for some reason the information about them being bad needs to be out there.
The 'Illuminati' and the supposed conspiracy around them was created by an anti-semitic author called William Guy Carr in the 50's (he wanted the Jews demonised as he supported Hitler and the holocaust). Check him out, a completely twisted man. No Carr, no Illuminati. I know it's an attractive conspiracy, but perpetuating it as an idea leads to continued racism. MelT
However it was, it was nothing to do with the Illuminati. See, we know exactly when the idea was invented and by who, and what his motives were (to attack and help destroy confidence in the Jewish people). If you read his books they're all incredibly anti-semitic. Since then a variety of people (Monat for one, another nut) have used the Illuminati as a convenient excuse to account for all kinds of events. It's now even seeped into UFO lore, and they now supposedly have a reptilian branch who are creating havoc in the world...please... I believe our banks and governments certainly are corrupt, I believe that twin towers was an inside job; and that Blair and Bush's started the middle-eastern conflicts purely for monetary gain and that they should be tried for war crimes and hung - but, after watching the myth of the Illuminati grow over the last 40 years, I can sincerely say how baseless the idea is. Carr invented it, it's as simple as that. I'm interested in a number of conspiracy theories, sometimes in favour, sometimes not. If I had to say in all honesty what I think the Illuminati angle is, I'd say two things: it's being used to sell a number of woo-woo conspiracy books by people like David Icke. Secondly, I get a feeling that somebody within banking idea where...,is helping promote the idea on the net in forums like this so our attention and blame goes away from them. I think the Illuminati conspiracy is actually that there is no conspiracy, it's a bluff. All interesting stuff though, isn't it? TT is such a strange set of events that really dont add up. MelT
I have some disagreements there but I really don't want to waste my time talking about negative things. It's bad energy. And I was just joking about building 7 btw lol you probably caught on to that though - peace, joy, love, and light
Templars, To freemasons, to Bankers, to Illuminati, it's no conspiracy theory. Want a true conspiracy theory? You're leading a misinformation campaign for the Illuminati.