Please pray for a fellow toker!

Discussion in 'General' started by Nexis, Apr 20, 2006.

  1. thanks again everyone <3
  2. My 5th bowl of 4/20 goes out to your buddy.

  3. Man that is so rough. I will think many kind thoughts for him and his family. My very best and warmest regards man. I'm sure this is a heavy time for you indeed. Here's to a safe recovery. :smoke:

    I will be sure to buckle up my friend.
  4. that's one of most beautiful things I've ever read. :eek:
  5. Im very sorry to hear about Erics car accident :( This prayer goes to Eric.

    (Lord, please send Eric the best angels to watch over him. May his health and future be as great as any man protected by you. "AMEN")

    Get Well Soon Eric!
  6. man, that sucks to hear about your buddy. Just visit him a lot, my friend who had brain swelling said that people coming to see him helped a lot and pulled him through the rough times.

    I'm going to go outside and smoke a blunt, this ones to him, peace.
  7. Me and two friends ditched out on work and drove 3 hours at like 11pm to see our friend when he wrapped his car around a post a couple years back. Even at first when he doesn't remember who you are he will be grateful fro visiters. Hospitals are so monotonous.

    I hope everything goes as well as it can, good luck man.

  8. Hope he makes it through ok, man. Sorry that happened.

    I would smoke a boul for him, but I'm dry rite now. Hell, i'll take a shot for him. That should do the trick.
  9. good luck, this bowl is for him
  10. hey nexis, how is he doing?
  11. he tried to wake up and talk, which im assuming and hoping is good, but he was sedated (again). So no improvement. they took the respirator out and did a trachiotomy (sp?). so im not sure if that improvement or not :-/

    thank you all again for your kind wishes. he will appreciate it <3
  12. well atleast he's been concious. scary stuff man. i really hope he turns out to be just fine. at least he'll have a mad story to tell
  13. thanks ucf and everyone else for your concern. He has too many good people looking out for him for shit to fuck up. we used his lighter in yesterday's festivities so he could have a little piece of 420 for himself :)
  14. update on eric-
    pretty much gonna copy my bulletin from myspace :p

    I just got off the phone with my mom and she went in and saw Eric. His parents wondered how she got in but she can get anywhere :p
    Eric is doing fine. he DID NOT have a trachiotamey (sp?) and he ****WAS WEARING A SEATBELT**** thank god. The doctors will know how everything is going on sunday. Eric has bandages on his hands and feet, only because he thrashes around when the medicine is wearing off (naturally :)) and hit his hand and foot on stuff. He has good people taking care of him. Eric has a bruised lung, and the back of his head is swollen (externally, thank god) basically bumps and bruises. other than that, hes doing great. We will see no signs of improvement until he is off the sedatives, but everything is going great as of now. The nurse told my mom she "has him snowed" so its good to know our boy is in la-la land right now :). I will update you guys on when we can all go visit him.
    I think i speak for eric here when i say that this couldnt have been done without everyones thoughts and prayers.
    Keep the faith, guys and gals.
    We'll have our boy home in no time!

    Much love,

    this is great news, especially since we have been boys for the past 6 yrs (since we were 13 year old pimp muthafucks)

    thank you all so much for your prayer!
    Keep it up!
    Much love,
  15. It's so great your Mom got to see him. I know this news has you feeling so much better. I'm so happy for you. I hope you can see him soon. :)
  16. dude thats awesome. i can honestly say i was worried about a fellow smoker. rough stuff, but thank god he's going to be okay. Phew!
  17. I Love U Guys

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