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Please! I need help

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Juzi, Jul 4, 2019.

  1. After things going great up to now. I've lost 2 plants in a week. I haven't got a clue as to why. The first died, I think cos of heat stress, but it was the hottest day of the year, it's hot today but not that hot and I went up to find another plant really struggling. I'm gonna post 2 pics, one of the dying one and one showing how they should look.
    I've been told it's the heat again, but I'm not convinced of that, cos whys it only effected one plant.
    Guys any suggestions on what to do or what it could be, would be appreciated. I'm getting close to tears here, and I'm frightened that I'm gonna watch them all die one at a time.

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  2. I'm really hoping that it is the heat, cos I've put the girls on 9PM to 9AM, so the lights will only be on thru the night.
    I'm assuming that will defo help reduce the temp, but any other suggestions of what the problem may be or solutions to heat stress, will be greatly appreciated.
  3. I am just throwing a guess out here because I want to see what people have to say to your problem. If not heat then wind burn maybe, do you have fans and are the plants doing this closest to the fan?
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  4. That's actually been suggested to me, but I don't think that's the problem.
    I say that cos I've got 2 fans in there, one oscillating desk fan and one medium sized box fan. The box fan blows pretty hard into the room (unfortunately due to the v hot weather, the air it blows in is way too hot). But the plant with the most damage is right beside the hole where the air comes in, but it's a foot or so past the hole so not only does it not blow onto it, I'm now wondering if it's not getting any benefit from that fan at all, and the other fan is too far away and weak to have any effect on it.
    Also the way the plant deteriorated makes me think it's not wind burn, it was struggling all over and the way it dried up and went brown too.
    However I do really appreciate your input, cos just discussing it with you now has got me thinking more about it, and I'm beginning to feel that it may well be the heat. I've now got the lights coming on over night and will be keeping an extremely close eye on them. So I'm expecting to know soon enough, either they'll recover and go back to looking all verdant and healthy.
    Did you see the pictures? I know there not great
  5. i think its heat stress as well first picture the leaves are cupping up wards usually a sign of heat stress ,,mac..
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  6. How quickly did that happen?
  7. Looks like a lot of plant matter on it. Doesn’t seem like you prune any or lollipop either. She needs lots of cooler air roaming around through her.
    Just my 2¥ worth
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  8. Probably over a 2/3 day max, period. Due to the bad luck, or some may say, bad planning and organisation, and it being extremely warm weather. I went up to check on them just as the lights went on, so didn't notice the heat, cos it wasn't hot. Then went off to work leaving them to cook all day. Only on my return could I swing into action and begin to get the temp down. But by then I'd already lost one.
    I've now got the lights coming on over night so am hoping and praying that it's that and will sort it out.
  9. No, no, your tuppence is welcome. And I completely agree with you, this is my very first grow and I've already learnt so much, I'd do so many things differently, or I should say, I will do things differently next time. I did read up on it before I began, and was aware of the fact that the leaves at the bottom are a total waste of plant power. An I did prune them often, but I just didn't have the confidence to be as drastic as I needed to be. They should be stripped of everything below the canopy isint it?
    Anyhow, thanks for the input.
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  10. Good luck, everyone learns! You will be growing them big buds before you know it.

    I lollipop, and imo I get better plants. Seems the ladies like it breezy up their skirts.

    Do you check them every day? Mine require some attention, light watering daily. But then again I have time to mess with them.

    Hang in there, remember if it’s not gonna make a big enough bud to smoke, trim it off.
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  11. I seriously hope you guys are right and it is heat stress, and putting the lights on at night will solve the issue. If you are at interested, I
    Yeah man! Thanks.
    That's exactly what I was struggling with nearly every little shoot I came across I ended up convincing myself that it's a crucial bit and I'm just cutting money off, I just didn't have the confidence. I'm much better now tho, and below a certain point, everything comes off. it's too late now tho, you can see just how much useless leaf I've got on there init?
    You live and learn tho. I water and feed them every other day, and go up and check them over every day, especially with all the problems I've been having of late.
    I will welcome any tips or advice you have for me tho brother, as I'm sure you've already gathered, I need as much help as I can get.
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  12. a lot of growers who have heat problems because of heat in the day time turn their light on at night when its cooler,,,luck with your grow ,,,mac,,

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