please help?

Discussion in 'Micro Grows' started by Sourjim, Oct 1, 2010.

  1. ok i wanna start a micro grow and a journal i need everything from seed to lights so can someone please give me a list of the stuff i will need to get a hhuge 1oz plant? i plan to buy some type of autoflower seed and i dnt wanna get busted so what site or seeds would u recommend this is my first time grow and i got a budget of 200 but i think i can get this done with your guys help thank you in advance :):smoke:
  2. grow area. either tent or box. a bunch of 6500k cfl for vegging along with an intake hole and exhaust fan. normally 100 watts per plant. just go to micro grow and copy or mimic a grow you think you can pull off.
  3. Haven't found a detalied step by step process yet was hoping to make my own
  4. how about you take some time and do some reading instead of having some one come in and do all the work for you
  5. Don't do it. We're all cops.

    KIDDING, but anyway, don't buy seeds imho. No-one can simply recommend a reliable seed source. It only matters where you live and who is looking. (Which you probably don't now.) Use bagseed and hope for a female. (You're odds are pretty good my friend). I 100% guarantee you if you take care of your female plant, don't let it create seeds, it will be the best most potent thing you'll ever enjoy. Forget risking and wasting 100's of $$ on pre-planned seeds imo. (If you already have, hey try out bagseed next time, use a kick-ass organic medium, and see how your girl turns out.)

    The person who responded before me, although rude, is exactly right. As I'm sure you're doing/have done by now, search other grow journals.. tutorials..everything. It's all there and free to use. Also starting a journal is a great way to get the GC community involved in the success of your grow.

    My low-budget CFL grow (in sig) has gone very well so far, with the added help of people leaving feedback. :D I didn't go over the step by step set-up of my project, but it's chronological. So feel free to check in, compare or ask questions if you're ever having issues.

    Peace, and GL :smoke:
  6. #6 Sourjim, Oct 2, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 2, 2010
    Firestone i agree he is rude i have done alot of reading on this site been on its pretty much 24/7 for the past week i cant find a complete from step a to step z process and i was hoping not oonly for me but for others to finally maybe create a solid one for first timers.
    the thing about the seeds is the only bud i ever get with seeds is horrible horrible dro. the danks i get i get straight from a friend in colorado whos sends it straight from a dispensery to new york for me, so i never really see any seeds unless like i said before is from horrible bud. plus i was thinking the auto flower seeds could maybe skip a few steps but i dnt wanna get popped before i get started thank you very much for your time.

    EDIT:::Firestone i had read your entire thread the other day i didnt connect it too bad about reeba sshe excuse me he looked to be a fatty.

    2nd EDIT:: was hoping to use a pc any recommendations on wear to get maybe an old pc tower? i havent been able to find one..
  7. #7 Imalittleteapot, Oct 2, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 2, 2010
    there is no such thing as a step by step way to grow weed a certain way. Everyones situation is different and you will have to adapt what you have learned so far to your particular situation. If you look at every single journal here you will notice we all do it differently. You will start growing and then change your mind or change the way your doing it atleast a few times throughout the grow.

    Also more info would be helpful. Like how much do you have to spend? what kind of micro are you looking at? what do you already have? do you know where you can get seeds or a clone?

    Im just doing what i can with what i have and hoping for the best. lol

    good luck

  8. ii was hoping to get a few people to maybe post like there exact setups or like what theyre advice because i am anew grower and i dnt know shit bout this. and from the pc grows i see on here with alot of dedication and help growing weed is a pretty accomplishable task. i just need help setting up right now and i dnt wanna be half way through my grow and be likke ahhh i shouldve done this. but again thanks to everyone for your responses every little bit of info helps.

  9. again, more info would help. Also your going to need to do the leg work. Your the one with the plants. this is a great place to ask questions. But you also need to do the research. Again, read the grow journals that you would be interested in replicating. then do what they do. It works better because we dont know what you want.

    I understand that there are certain questions that are good to post. But one like this can easily be searched. There is a whole section here for micro grows.
  10. well the questions i have are like what kind of lights are he best for a micro pc grow i want the fattist harriest nugs possible. so whatever soil or nutes i need to do that is what i want idk which is why i come to you guys for advice thanks again :)
  11. ok well how much money and space do you have?
    If you answer my first few questions and then we will be able to help better.
  12. list of things for a pcgrow box..

    Soil- Fox Farm Ocean Forrest
    4 socket adapters
    power strip
    magnets or zipties to hold up the power strip
    Lights: CFLs- 4 26w 2700k Flower, 4 23w 6500k Veg
    2 12v pc fans
    1 12v adapter to wire the fans
    Wall Timer
    digital thermometer
    white paint or mylar
  13. I have a guide in my signature might help you to get started! Can ask me any question?
  14. :smoke:
    i have around 240$ and space what ever size the pc allows me would rather a large pc i can plug it in no problem but i want it to be a stlealth opp and done right i see alot of "Stealth grows" that arent stealth atall and wind up breaking there original paramaters this is somthing i would really hope to aviod i hope that helps and in exchange of a pc i would be willing to use somthing else equally as sorry im pretty high off my vape right now sorry for the ramble
  15. shit man you can get set up good then if you got $240 on a pc stealth grow. pack as much wattage as you can into that thing and vent the shit out of it with pc fans and you will have a bad ass little grow box.

    i have been thinking about putting a little pc grow on my nightstand.... a pet plant. name her Jane.

    man im bored, i need to get out more. hahaha
  16. lmao i know the feeling haha i want my own plant and my own supply i can just imagine how nice it will feel to roll up a nice fatty of my own custom bud :) mmmm. makes my mouth drool :rolleyes: i just don't know what lights to buy where tohang them when to change them what soilto boy what flushing is or what topping is but i would love to be able to grow bud that looks half as good as 99% of the stealth grows.
  17. i tried going to your guide but it said site is unavailable

  18. yeah i cant wait...

    well since you have the cash i would get atleast a 100w cfl in there. more if you can.

    you want to run it horizontal because thats where most of the cfls light goes.

    im not a cfl guru but there are some guys on here that really know what they are talking about.

    check this out...

    looks legit to me.
  19. ahh i like that light looks legit i was thinking of maaybe getting a few led panels for side growth? or is that too much heat i mean idk anything i just want the biggest nuggs i can get for my first time and considering people on here have been growing for so man years im sure with allittle help from alot of people i can have some crazy crazy danks in 60 days from now

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