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Please help

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by Shroomy, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. Ok GC i got a problem that i would just like to talk about

    Well here it goes, there is this girl that i really like. But this isn't any regular girl, she is my best friend thats a girl and my best friends ex girlfriend.

    While they were together i was a little bit friends with her and i had no feelings for her at all. But about three months after they broke up me and her started talking and started hanging out. Well me and my dumbass started developing feelings for her. Now i dont think she likes me at all but she always flirts with me and shit (damn you women).

    This is where it gets complicated. Ok so i still think she likes my best friend even though he has a new girlfriend. Because even though they broke up they continued to hook up and shit after that.

    So she hasnt done it for a while but then she tells me that this past weekend she went over to his house and they hooked up. Now she tells me that there was nothing behind it and that it was just for fun. She also told me she just wants to hook up with him without the complications of his girlfriend.

    Now dont ask me why i like her, I wish that i didnt, but idk i just cant help it. So i ask,
    What do i do? Do i tell her everything despite the fucked up situation at hand? Do i just not talk to her anymore to avoid me liking her? Or do i just keep my mouth shut? I really need your help!
  2. dude i would say a situation like this can only get fucked up worse unless you

    either of these i would say

    but if you want this tail mad bad then keep your mouth shut and play along until your buddy breaks her and then she comes crying to you.

    but if you dont want girl problems and potentially your buddy being mad at you problems then i wouldnt talk or hang out with this girl anymore.

    good luck
  3. shouldn't have made her your best friend.
    anyways, here's what you do:
    plan A: try to get her in the sack
    if plan A fails then you immediately go to plan B
    plan B: move on to the next girl
  4. Reasonable. But how bout when she asks why haven't we hung out and why aren't you talking to me?

  5. ooo potentially how you can win her over.... in that case^^^ tell her your feelings and let her know it hurts you to be with her because you know she will never be yours or some bull shit like that.
  6. You gotta realize that i had no plans on liking this girl
  7. Just tell her how you feel, if she isn't feeling it. Move on. Just my input.
  8. Yeah i may do that. I guess im just a little afraid of what her reaction will be. But i know ill regret it in the long run if i dont.
  9. listen to this song [ame=]YouTube - Angels & Airwaves - It hurts [Official music video w/ lyrics][/ame]

  10. well then play that off on your plea for a relationship with her if you wnat to go that way
  11. thanks man good idea

  12. yea no problem and good luck with your troubles and if it hurts props to buud for posting that song then just get really high and fly away:smoke:

  13. yup and good luck
  14. Ok so this girl now invited me to a concert and i said yes (cuz im an idiot). So much for not talking ro her anymore.
    But i just want some quick outside opinions. From what i've told you do you guys think this girl has any feelings for me at all?

  15. hmm idk. its hard to tell i mean youll just have to make a move or something or else youll never know

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