Please help.

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by FORFUCKSAKE, May 16, 2018.

    1. Ok so to start off, im new to growing have done it before but never actually got into it till now. I have seeds purchased from a seed bank seems to have strong genetics overall healthy thick stem nice color i had a problem with insects at first due to the position i was put in while living in this p.o.s place but i have moved everything over to a cleaner environment insects arent present here due to a thorough clean and overall better place anyways
      On the lowest leaves these dots appeared to start forming i am using ff growing soil and nutes i didnt start nuting until a month in around 4 1/2 weeks i clipped lower leaves and the problem moved up one set i clipped those about a week later now im having the same issue on the next set i wanna catch this early to fix any problems for later grows etc plus just to ve on the safe side of things i used a garden safe fungicide 3 which says controls all insect problems if that is whats the cause let me know if i need some more info to help corner this problem.
      cheers in advance. [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

      Today at 6:41 AMEditReport

  1. Have you looked under the leaves with a magnifier for bugs?
  2. That was about 2 days ago i now have a little purpling coming in on some of the stems i figured i was running a little low on phosphorous so i gave it a dose of the tiger bloom which contains a higher P dosage ill keep updating any opinion is good.
  3. Yes im taking precaution with a safe pesticide just in case
  4. I can take more pics if it would help

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