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Please Help

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by MoDude, May 4, 2016.

  1. Day 2 of 12 on 12 off and I have leaf tips curling down, brownish spots and deterioration.

    Branches aren't too purpled up. I'd like to know what the issue is and how I could fix. I have Bat Guano, Tiger Bloom by Fox Farm, and unsulphured molasses on hand. I didn't feed any nutes during veg stage.

    (Plant was started inside of this 10 gal tote through the fox farm ocean forest filling the tote up about halfway, so I'm using 5 gallons worth of space. Never been transplanted)

    Yesterday I added a teaspoon worth of guano to the already wet soil and mixed in. I haven't used any tiger bloom yet and I'm only watering with 6.5ph tap water.

    Attached Files:

  2. what kinda cubic foliage space to 5 gal?
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  3. hows that tap water? have you tested for chlorine and if so how long did you let the tap water sit to dissolve the chlorine out
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  4. how much dark time did you give it to kick off flower?
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  5. i go 3 days dark to KICK flower off strong and i floral nute on the way into that darktime
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  6. you ok bro?
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  7. dang, didnt know i was supposed to do this. tap water is high alkaline when i test it. I fill my water ug up with the tap and thn i ph to 6.5. Ive never let it sit to let the chlorine go away. Ill do this with my next watering. Do i need to ph water and then add the nutrition?
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  8. how would i figure that out?
  9. well i made the transition in a day. i was going to do 12 on 12 off but overslept the first night and allowed 2 extra hours of darkness. durring veg i was doin 8 off 16 on
  10. nutes first then ph(in case nutes affect yer ph(they allways do) ;) )
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  11. age old question
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  12. if yer to graduall youll fuck up they time clock(not kick off flower at all and have it trying to veg with flower nutes)
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  13. leave water out now so you KNOW any chloro disolved by then
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  14. cooo! so as far as the curling ? what should i do for that?
  15. gotta start ruling things out
  16. tips browning? drying?
  17. aig
    aight so ive never fed it a nutrient up until that small ammount of guano a day ago.

    i had a fan pretty close to em but idk much about what damage the fan can bring.

    maybe i trimmed and topped too late?

    like u said it could be my waters chlorine.

    theres a small gnat problem but ill be using apple cider vinegar as a trap in a lil bit
  18. yea
    h theres brown spots on the leaves, but where the tip is at, the color is growing towards a blackish/grey color. looks almost like carbon fiber
  19. i use DE fer knats
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  20. could be chloro could be yer lights too close could be underwatering could be nute burn

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