Please Help! Plants are droopy

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by NoaLeaF, Oct 12, 2023.

  1. This is my 4th grow I put them in ocean forest (I know some say to wait but the plants were fine for maybe a week or more in it already)
    The four middle droopy ones were due for water and I knew it but yesterday I thought the soil felt a little damp still an inch down so thought I'd wait til today. They just woke up and looked like the tell tale signs of needing water...thing is in the past they usually perked up right away....these aren't....maybe because they are smaller than what Im comparing that too. Also I added another 200 watt in there.....raised them to 28 inches on 75% just now thinking maybe its light stress.....? How high should I be hanging 2 200 watt in a 4x4. Also I did notice a little claw on the shorter dark green ones really hope it's not the ocean forest doing its job too much in the form of nitrogen toxicity. IMG_6895.jpeg IMG_6895.jpeg IMG_6895.jpeg IMG_6894.jpeg IMG_6894.jpeg IMG_6894.jpeg

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  2. Is this most likely light stress......ocean forest toxicity.....or just need to wait for them to drink what I just gave em.........they were really light today but the light Im always looking for before I water...........never had this issue with 4 plants at once thinking maybe the ocean forasst
  3. I always recommend adding 25% perlite to any FFOF grow ...its hot stuff
    many growers re use with ease with little amending, just add a small handful to each pot ..but much later

    good luck

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