Hi All, Ok well this is not the first marijuana forum I am joining, but having read some stuff around here I do think you're at least as friendly a bunch as all the others have been! Soo.... Hi... And, well the thing is, I have a smoker boyfriend while I have never smoked, and I kinda got scared about his smoking, reading stuff like people who smoke go nuts by the age of 40 etc, and obviously I don't want him to go nuts... But I don't really believe any of the "research" going on out there about marijuana, all those groups need to be funded by something, either some anti-pot government or some pro-pot movement, and they are already told what result they are expected to get... and the same applies to scientific journals, whenever it is about political issues. So being a 1st-year statistics student at University I have decided to do a smaller research project myself, actually going out and asking REAL pot smokers some real questions and collecting real data, focusing on cognitive function... Of course it's completely anonymous, no names or locations are asked at all. The questions are 1) How old are you? 2) What is your job? 3) For how long have you consumed marijuana? 4) How much marijuana do you consume a week? (approximately in grams) 5) Do you take any other drugs, including tobacco and alcohol? 6) How long has it been since you last consumed marijuana? 7) Would you be so kind as to do the 10-minute timed test at http://www.intelligencetest.com/ , and honestly report your results to me? The test is especially difficult, everyone I know who has done it has got MUCH worse results than they would have done on any other IQ test. I actually don't think the results have much to do with people's ACTUAL IQ score at all, but I needed to pick something that everyone can do (it was a basically random choice), and I think that score is good for comparison in any case. I have only a few results yet (8 smokers and 8 non-smokers) and it's not nearly enough to make proper statistical conclusions, but I can tell you that so far it seems that marijuana does NOT have any effect on cognitive function - in fact, the marijuana smokers so far seem to be doing slightly better than the non-smokers, but the difference is yet statistically insignificant. I am even starting to feel encouraged to join my boyfriend one day, that is, when I stop being a chicken. So anyway, I would really appreciate if some of you chose to help me and answered this survey. It would only take 15 minutes of your time, but it would help a lot, really. You can PM me the answers, you don't even need to tell me your email or anything, and as I said you don't need to disclose personal information that could identify you at all. I only ask that you are honest, because otherwise the results are not trustworthy at all. Thanks a lot in advance, Z.
Hi, first off welcome to grass city. First off, no worries your boyfriend is in the sweet sweet hands of mary jane shell never hurt him on her own lol other drugs might so just keep him as a pot head But your questions lol 1)18 2)Meijers backroom delivery 3)been smoking since january of 2005 4)50-100 grams 5)Cocaine once a week, maybe once a month, i dont spend my own money on it, Shrooms, like 4 times a year, Crack, done it like 9 times, i quit wont do it again. And just got a prescription for xanex. I smoke cigs when im stoned and with certain friends just to increase my buzz. and i dont drink. 6)IM stoned right now! 7)Sure im pretty smart lol
1) How old are you? 18 2) What is your job? I'm still in high school, but I also work as a foreman for a landscaping company. 3) For how long have you consumed marijuana? Since I was 14 4) How much marijuana do you consume a week? Nearly 10-15 grams on a normal week. Sometimes more, and sometimes none at all. I sometimes go a week or so without smoking. 5) Do you take any other drugs, including tobacco and alcohol? I no longer do any other drugs besides cannabis, and sometimes alchohol. But I can say I've done most drugs. From Airduster to China White. 6) How long has it been since you last consumed marijuana? I am right now. Haha! 7) I'll do it later. I have an IQ of 122.
1) 21 2) Student/Information services rep. 3) 7 years 4) 4-5g 5) Drink occasionally. I enjoy psychadelics very rarely. 6) 5 hours 7) Scored a 109 (not sure if they're saying thats my i.q. or what) I've had a few real IQ tests done in my life and i've scored between 130 and 145 on all of them. ... also i'm a mensa member. h Hope it helps. You CAN smoke and succeed just fine if you keep your priorities straight. *edit... looking back on taking the test, i didnt like it. Online tests dont really compare to one administered by a psychologyist. Plus... i took it when i really had to go to the bathroom. Heh. just a little rushed eh...
1) 19 2) College Student 3) Smoked daily for about two years 4) Around seven grams of quality dank a week 5) I drink a few nights a week and smoke cigs when I'm drinking, no more than a pack a week. Also shrooms from time to time 6) I smoked about 30 minutes ago, very high right now 7) I will take this when I get back from Campus later this afternoon
1) How old are you? - 20 2) What is your job? - Delivery electrical parts to job sites 3) For how long have you consumed marijuana? - 7 years 4) How much marijuana do you consume a week? (approximately in grams) - depends, 6-10 grams roughly 5) Do you take any other drugs, including tobacco and alcohol? I dont drink or smoke tobacco 6) How long has it been since you last consumed marijuana? hmm 8 minutes ago or so 7) Would you be so kind as to do the 10-minute timed test at http://www.intelligencetest.com/ , and honestly report your results to me? hehe I dislike these kinds of test I always do pretty bad but o well. Your age adjusted IQ score is 96 and the average score of all test takers is 100.
1) 18 2) Coffee maker 3) 2 yearsish 4) 14 grams or a half ounce 5) Alchohol,caffine, shrooms, coke 6) 4 hours 7) I would but I dont get it. eric
1) How old are you? - 18 2) What is your job? - lol nothin right now...waitin for summer 3) For how long have you consumed marijuana? - May of 2005 4) How much marijuana do you consume a week? (approximately in grams) - probly about 5 5) Do you take any other drugs, including tobacco and alcohol? nope i dont do cigs or alcohol 6) How long has it been since you last consumed marijuana? sunday 7) Would you be so kind as to do the 10-minute timed test at http://www.intelligencetest.com/ , and honestly report your results to me? I got 106 IQ according to it
1) 19 2) graphics design 3) about five or six years 4) 5-6 grams on soft weeks 5) smoke cigarettes occationally, i dont drink 6) this morning 7) i really dont want to, i have scored a 119-121 on other IQ tests.
1) How old are you? - 23 2) What is your job? - Self employed 3) For how long have you consumed marijuana? - 1 year 4) How much marijuana do you consume a week? (approximately in grams) - probly about 3 5) Do you take any other drugs, including tobacco and alcohol? i drink alcohol 6) How long has it been since you last consumed marijuana? yesterday 7) Would you be so kind as to do the 10-minute timed test at http://www.intelligencetest.com/ , and honestly report your results to me? I got 106 IQ according to it
1) How old are you? 21.... 2) What is your job? i just got fired recently >.< 3) For how long have you consumed marijuana?years 4) How much marijuana do you consume a week? like btween 2-5 blunts depending. 5) Do you take any other drugs, including tobacco and alcohol? yesm 6) How long has it been since you last consumed marijuana?a few hours ago. 7) Would you be so kind as to do the 10-minute timed test at http://www.intelligencetest.com/ , and honestly report your results to me. nah im lazy right now
1) How old are you? 19 2) What is your job? student/waiter 3) For how long have you consumed marijuana? 4 years 4) How much marijuana do you consume a week? (approximately in grams) 7-14 grams 5) Do you take any other drugs, including tobacco and alcohol? tobacco: no, alcohol: rarely, other drugs (mostly shrooms, and nothing too hard): occasionally 6) How long has it been since you last consumed marijuana? im smoking right now 7) Would you be so kind as to do the 10-minute timed test at http://www.intelligencetest.com/ , and honestly report your results to me?
1) How old are you? 20 2) What is your job? Paralegal 3) For how long have you consumed marijuana? 1 year 4) How much marijuana do you consume a week? (approximately in grams) 2 -3 grams 5) Do you take any other drugs, including tobacco and alcohol? I drink very rarely, other than that no. 6) How long has it been since you last consumed marijuana? Five seconds ago with a bong hit that really knocked me on my butt. 7) Would you be so kind as to do the 10-minute timed test at http://www.intelligencetest.com/ , and honestly report your results to me? I hate aptitiude tests. 100
1) How old are you? 21 2) What is your job? unemployed 3) For how long have you consumed marijuana? 3 years 4) How much marijuana do you consume a week? (approximately in grams) 15-20 5) Do you take any other drugs, including tobacco and alcohol? no never only marijuana 6) How long has it been since you last consumed marijuana? 1 hour 7) Would you be so kind as to do the 10-minute timed test at http://www.intelligencetest.com/ , and honestly report your results to me? i got 83 yes i am stupid
1) How old are you? 18 2) What is your job? Un-employed (Arby's soon hopefully) 3) For how long have you consumed marijuana? 5 years 4) How much marijuana do you consume a week? (approximately in grams) 30-35g 5) Do you take any other drugs, including tobacco and alcohol? Cigs, weed, alcohol, pills 6) How long has it been since you last consumed marijuana? 5 minutes 7) Would you be so kind as to do the 10-minute timed test at http://www.intelligencetest.com/ , and honestly report your results to me? Sorry, too lazy =( -A -F -D
1. 18 2. student 3. 2.5 years 4. 5 to 7 5. some drinking but not much, no cigs, occasional hookah, mushrooms 6. 4 hours 7. too lazy i'm sorry 120 or so on other IQ tests i have taken
Wwoooow... This place is a goldmine! Thanks to you guys I already have now 15 (!!!!) smokers who have answered the questions and done the test... Plus a whole lot who have also answered the questions but didn't do the test... And it is starting to look good - so far it shows there's no difference in the cognitive function between smokers and non-smokers. Alcohol and cigs do your brain more bad than marijuana...! Thank you, thanks a lot. You really are as great a bunch as I thought when I joined. Z.
1) 18 almost 19 2) Electronic engineer (its what im going to school for) 3) 3 years 4) about 5-7 grams 5) i have a drink every now and then 6) last night at about 9 7) i dont have time. but my IQ is 131
I'm so happy you realize what we have been trying to tell people for years. I'm glad we here at Grasscity could have helped you out.
1) 18 2) Paintball Referee 3) 1.5 years 4) about 2.5 grams 5) No- I would never take any other drug, nor start smoking or using any tobacco product 6) 15 hours and 4 minutes (time now is 9:16), I will smoke in a few minutes (probably following this post) 7) 101 on the test.. I suck at mathematicly thinking in my head. I just want to say, dont be alarmed by your boyfriend smoking marijuana. I also want to congradulate you on seeing the world for what it is. These "Studies" are almost always slanted one way or the other. There is one thing we can all agree on- Toxicity of marijuana. It is almost impossible to overdose on marijuana. You'd need to smoke pounds of the stuff, and before you even got to the first ounce, you'd just fall asleep, and wake up several hours later feeling like you've come from a deep, long sleep. Also, I'd like to share my opinion on how and why marijuana is illegal. In the 1930's, a guy named henry J anslinger was a US senator. He stood before the senate and gave a speech, where he used racism, and newspaper articles HE had ties with to get a bill passed. This bill effectively banned the purchase of marijuana, becuase it forced a stamp to be purchased with it. To purchase one ounce of marijuana, you would have to pay $100, which in 1937 was about $1400 2006 dollars. Basicly, anslinger wanted it illegal because he hated mexicans, and mexicans smoked marijuana. He had ties with lammont dupont, whos company was threatened by the hemp industry (dupont made plastics, and hemp was about to be transformed into an eco-safe plastic). He also had ties with HEarst newspapers, which dominated the lumber industry. Lumber was used largely for paper, and hemp could be cultivated for paper much cheaper, and on a fraction of the land. They gave anslinger money and support for making hemp illegal. Please note that at the time, the public knew no difference between marijuana and hemp. Most americans didnt know what marijuana was. They had no say in it. So the drug war started. The reason why its continued the tradition of banning marijuana is because the government can't go back on what it says. Its stubborn like that. If they go back on marijuana, why not go back on slavery and womens rights? ITs a horrible situation, and not everyone can win. As a result, stoners took the blow for the gov't. As a result of becomming illegal, the government created a hole. There was demand, but the supply weas illegal. So it went underground in the black market. This is the same black market that heroin, coke, and other elicit drugs are sold on. Therefore, its easy for a marijuana smoker to buy other horrible drugs. Thats why it is considered a gateway drug. I know I as an avid pot smoker, I'd never do ANY drug. I care for my body. People try to say 3 joints = 30 cigarettes worth of tar. Cigarettes cause emphesema and lung cancer. Marijuana relieves asthma by relaxing the aveoli and stops cancer growth (yes- cannibinol stops tumor growth) Speaking of medical marijuana, facilities are popping up everywhere for sick patients. They can smoke medicinal marijuana in peace. For cancer patients, this does two things. The cannibinol stops a certain chemical put out by tumors. This chemical is used by the tumors to force blood vessels to grow into/near the tumors. What this does is provide the tumor with nutrients to grow better and faster then non-cancerous cells. The cannibinol effectively stops this. Chemotherapy can destroy the tumors, however it causes severe nausia, insomnia in some cases, extreme tiredness, etc. all that bad stuff. Cancer patients can smoke marijuana and it relieves nausia, relieves pain (yes, it does help mask pain.. You can still feel pain, but you can deal with it much easier.. Its unlike any over the counter painkiller I've ever taken), promotes eating (which helps build strength for cancer patients). Basicly, marijuana in conjunction with chemotherapy and other methods really pack a punch against cancer. And lastly, I'll talk to you about commercial marijuana/ Remember when I m,entioned hemp? This is just teh stems of marijuana plants. Industrial hemp contains less then .03% THC, the main chemical used to "get high". Industrial hemp also contains high levels of the cannibinol I mentioned, which helps fight cancerous tumors. ITs strong, adn can be woven into TONS of different applications. eco-friendly plastic-like substances, super strong cloth, paper, building materials, etc. There you have it. My miracle plant. The plant that doesnt kill anyone, the plant that cures cancer, teh plant that has the advent of stopping rainforest growth... The same plant that grows in teh earth in which we're all buried in. The same god damn plant that costs my state $24 million dollars a year to prosecute, because of some asshole in the 1930's.