Hey ya'll I am looking for someone that is good with hacking. It won't be for anything illegal. It would actually be messing with someone doing something illegal in a sense. There is this WoW private server that has been messing with a good friend of mines private server. They started hacking the hell out of it and wont stop. If you can help me out lemme know, we can work out some kind of compensation. If you are good with this kind of stuff send me a PM and we can chat it up a little further and discuss what I would like to happen. Sorry if this is against Grasscity's rules. I didn't see anything saying it was.
Well they tottaly destroyed his database and his core files. He had to start from scratch and than once he got it back in order they came back and did the same exact thing. Basicly I want someone to try and get into their SQL server and delete their tables. I would also want a copy of their DB. I have been researching it and stuff but I aint good with this kind of stuff and I would rather someone who knows what they are doing to do it. Edit: And yea I guess it is illegal... but so is weed Also I don't know if that would be the best thing to do but I can't come up with anything good to do to them.
like it would be better if you just deleted everything. All the tables and everything. But that is what I would do. Im guessing they are Red Hat or other linux server OS. It is possible.
Not addictive... hell for me it's counter-addictive, I found so little interest in WoW that I can't understand why the hell people get caught up in it And yeah, everything's illegal in life, but fuck it. Personal law is all that matters. Someone's fucking with you, gives you the right to fuck them back, IMO. But if you're too primitive to actually explain what you believe they did to your friend's server, saying things like "core files" and "delete their tables"... I dunno if you should be getting busy mucking with that kinda shit. At the level you're at you might just be limited in your abilities to going on their chat line and being all, "OMG THESE FAGS HAXXXX MY SITE FUKK YOU LOL HAXXX HATE RAGE GTFO GTFO"... aka: being an annoying prick. Because once you get to the point of being able to tell someone the information they need to know to either a: undo the damage caused by said "hackers" to your friend's server, or b: figure out what the other guys are running with, so you can "hack" their system... once you get that information you might as well be doing the haxxing yourself
How do you know who did it? If you found out how they accessed the server why not just close the hole and be done with it?
Hmm I don't know, All i know is most private servers are run off a SQL server. And forget it my friend decided to just give up on his private server. I started playing the server that was messing with us and it is actually pretty tight, now if anyone can get into their DB and give me stuff that would be better hahahah. but I doubt anyone would want to do that for me. Prolly too much work for something so stupid.
I can't see how people play that game either. Waste of time for me. Im not going to show somebody how to do it, Took me long enough to learn what I know now.