Please, Help me understand why you believe in religion

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by DaChemist, Dec 14, 2011.

  1. How do you live you're life to the fullest when you have a belief that you're earthly body is only one part of your existence? I am an atheist and am at peace with the fact that I do not know what will happen to me when I die. I will be treating my time on this planet as the most wonderful, precious and limited gift that it is... nothing more.. because I would be cheating myself and my loved ones if I acted as if this is only a stepping stone to something 'better'
  2. Personally, athiesm for me was the only way I could be a 'true' believer, reflect on what I am doing when I pray, etc.

  3. ellaw moite ,is afl socca? *bullshit american whose never been to Australia attempt at an aussie accent*
    I did see that terrible movie about the kangaroo who had the sweatshirt and the money. Kangaroo Jack!

    Anyways, people believe in god for so many reasons. often, it is blind faith or ignorance.
    also often, it is through personal experiance that they believe was with god

    also often, it's because of terrible logic (see: pascals wager)
    also often, they don't know their religion at all but follow their family.

    also often, they are really educated on it, and thoroughly knowledgable, and they have simply concluded that the truth is that there is a divine being

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