Not sure if it's too early or not. Switched these 5 plants to 12/12 about 4.5 days ago... And not that it matters but I'm really hoping 2,3 and 4 are female as they look the best. But my research tells me my better plants are most likely this true?
wait 3-5 days for plants to mature. and come back. with new pictures. picture 2 or 3 may be males however they may be budsights.
2 and 3 are probably males. 1, 4 and 5 aren't far enough along to even make an educated guess. nevertheless, as deadman suggested, definitely wait a week or so before you start making any irreversible decisions. By the way, nice pictures. It's a little frustrating trying to help people who take a picture of the whole plant and want to know what sex it is...
1 female 2female 3 hermi 4 male 5male pm me if im right i found if there space between them female if they touch each other at top male number 3 i took a guess because it farther away at the bottom and touching in the middle so i think it dont know witch way to go
Your calling hermie on early preflowers? Wow, wish I had a crystal ball like that... I can't tell sex in those pics. 1, 4, and 5 I only see new growth. 2 and 3 you can see little rounded things, maybe in 4 also, but can't definitively tell if those are calyxs or balls. Since they are stand-alone at this point it's hard to tell (male balls come in clusters). Give it a little time.
Was thinking the same exact thing. 2 and 3 could possibly be males. The other 3 haven't shown anything. Give it another week and you'll know for sure.
Yeah I like that...I could guess on the sex now but damn callin one a you got some voodoo magic son. Let me try! Number one will have 1 oz 23.56 grams. PM me if im right lol im joking. the only ones that show anything are 2, 3, and 4 although they are all very early so no need to haste. If those little balls grow a stem and hang slightly from the plant then thats a boy. But just put up some more pics in a few days and we will know for sure.