Please help identify

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Bentley123, Oct 21, 2023.

  1. Hello All, I recently started growing again after years of not. I can’t recall ever seeing my leaves like this, 4 out of 5 plants lower leaves are showing these signs. I’m using advanced nutrients ph perfect trio at half strength. Any idea what I’m dealing with? Thank you All

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  2. Hi @Bentley123

    The blue circled area indicative of phosphorous deficiency or some other root issue.
    The red circled area shows clawing from too much nitrogen.

    If you post a picture of the entire plant(s), it will be helpful for this kind of analysis.
    I don't really recommend AN for growing weed...
  3. @trojangrower Thank you for your time ! Here are some more pictures

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  4. One thing I'm not familiar with is fabric pots, but I'm thinking you may need to transplant to larger containers.
    What is the pH of the media? You need to make sure it's about 6.25....
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  5. @trojangrower ph of soil is reading about 6.5, plants are about 4 weeks old in 3 gallon fabric pots.. soil is fox farms happy frog.. are you still thinking phosphorus ? I’ve only added the advanced nutes grow and micro.. I see the bloom part is full of phosphorus.. should I maybe do a flush with the bloom ?
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  6. [​IMG]
    Time to pot up will ease the nute burn, do note how 'extra green' the plant is, that too is excess(N)
    I would add some 25% perlite or clean sand to the next mix, to add air and dilute any further effects,
    no nutes for another 2-3 weeks

    good luck
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  7. that's good pH for soil
    isn't that already preloaded?
    I don't think so.
    but given you are not adding phosphorous. Isn't it suppose to be like ~3:2:1 ratio for Grow:Micro:Bloom.
    I would listen to @Vee 's advice and pot up and cut back. You might want to add a touch of phosphorous/bloom after you transplant.

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