PLEASE HELP! I have an important/urgent question about probation.

Discussion in 'General' started by woody28, Oct 1, 2012.

  1. Ok, so first things first.
    I weigh approximately 165 pounds I'm 6ft 1, and hardly exercise (but I do make sure to sweat a lot).
    So I smoked 2 bowls a day for 3 days in a row the last day was on the 12th and my final probation meeting is on the 2nd which means that there will have been 21 days in between the last day I smoked and my meeting. I'm not sure if I will be UA'd or not but I'm just worried. I have been drinking water like crazy since i smoked and I have drank 4 15 oz bottles of cranberry juice since yesterday.
    Should I be ok if I get UA'd or do you think I'll still test positive?

    It's really urgent that I get some honest opinions by tomorrow? so can you guys please comment soon.
  2. Call it in the air, chief.:cool:
  3. i think your good!
  4. That's what I've been thinking since its only going to be 9 days short of the longest it would take to get out of my system and since I'v been drinking a lot of water since and the four bottles of cranberry juice I've drank. I just haven't been too sure.
  5. you should be fine. if you want to be extra safe get one of those detox kits they sell at headshops. i wouldnt waste my money though, i feel like you should be fine.

    only time will tell/
  6. Water unfortunately doesn't remove the.... I say... Keep doing it till you go just in case. I think you are going to be fine since your numbers will be pretty low by then. You can always get a home drug test for cannabis at walgreens or cvs I think.... Good luck with that, I'm so happy to not have any legal issues over my head anymore.
  7. FUCK!! come on man! your last check in!? haha.. man thats fucked up.. i hope they dont drop you on your last check in .. then you get ALL that backup time.. shoulda waited the final 21 days then dont have to worry about shit..

    probations a bitchhh
  8. I was thinking of buying one if my PO told me i had to take a UA since I have to go to a separate building for my UA's but I don't even have the money for one. I'm just glad that somebody else thinks I'll be ok.
  9. damn.. well thats good.. i cant imagine a PO not standing over you while you piss.. but they send you to a different building? just buy some fake piss and youre good..

    i wish my po sent me to a med one or w.e
  10. Does someone supervise you when you drop??? I have never been allowed to piss unsupervised (for probation), if it's not I'd go with the fake piss
  11. Yeah I hope so to. The only reason I smoked is because my bro kept tempting me. I've just been keeping my fingers crossed and drinking as much water and cranberry juice as possible. I'm just so fucking nervous. I will be so pissed at myself if I get fucked. I'm not sure if my PO is even going to test me though, because I'm gonna be filling out the termination paperwork which once I fill that out I won't be in their system anymore so I don't know why she would test me if they would have to wait for the results any way and because I have only been tested 3 times for the whole year I've been on probation. I'm just worried there's a chance she'll test me.
  12. I still get supervised, I just have time in between my meetings and having to take the ua.
  13. So a total of 6 bowls in how long? My drug councilor told me if I only smoke a little bit extremely sparingly I would never be caught... I never failed, but I only smoked a couple joints every now and then
  14. A total of 6 bowls in 3 days
  15. dude i have to be at my PO's office in 8 hours and i just put the bowl down.

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