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PLEASE HELP - Completely beginner questions

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by drewjonn, Apr 22, 2016.

  1. I'm very soon moving out to San Francisco from somewhere it is highly illegal. (don't ask) I've never touched or even smelled pot before, however, I once smoked cigarettes (didn't like it) and occasionally still smoking hookah (yeah they have cool hookah places from where I come from), and I know I prefer chilling and maybe getting stoned compared to wild parties.

    Since I've been hearing that it is not so hard to obtain weed in California, I need some help and clue on where to find one. I am moving to Pleasant Hill area as a community college student (will rent apartment nearby for sure) So, questions:

    1. How do I find dealers near campus? How if I get friends who have no idea or don't smoke pot?
    2. How should I start the conversation? I've heard that dealers tend to avoid contacts like this to avoid cops.
    3. What type of weed should I get (all I know is Sativa and Indica and nothing else tbh), so sure that there are sh*tloads of names. and how do I know the retail price? (or get the best price) I absolutely have no idea what to say and the dealer might offer a high price knowing I'm such a tad.
    4. What kind of accessories do I need? (e.g. joint paper) I know I can't start smoking just by owning the weed itself.

    Please help FOR REAL tho. I've been craving to try getting high for a some while, and you know how it feels if you keep not getting what you want. I can't just find stoner friends instantly a week after I start my college. Also, if you're living near SF/Berkeley/Pleasant Hill, I'd be willing to hang around for a bit. Can also hit your message for chats
  2. 1.the app whisper works great for finding dealers just look for someone whos posting something about weed and message them asking to buy some if its on whisper just message lemme buy some
    3.sativa makes you active and indica makes you tired lol so you can choose which one you want to be, and dont pay more than $10 for one gram of weed, i would recommend just getting one gram for you first time and smoking like half of it
    4.if your over 18 than you should just go to a store and get swisher sweets or cigarillos and look up on youtube "how to roll a blunt" and roll your weed in there, or you can buy a pipe at a smoke shop, or if you dont have access to that then you can go to the grocery store and buy an apple and search on youtube "how to make an apple pipe" then make the apple pipe its really easy and only takes a few mins and then smoke out the apple. And also of course you need a lighter
    Hope you find some weed

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  3. #3 drewjonn, Apr 22, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2016
    Thanks for replying, dude. Would definitely check out Whisper. Do you have any other sources other than that though? More resources would help a lot as a backup.

    Online dealers might be kinda limited and I'm just worried if these dealers are not so reliable, would be extremely fucked up if dude turns out to be a cop. Like how do I identify one around campus or something.
  4. Uh idk other recources to find one i met mine on whisper and found him in like 15mins lol

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  5. #5 drewjonn, Apr 22, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2016
    Alrighty, would try Whisper but still looking for more resources though. More questions:

    How many smokes would 1 gram make for me? I might try joint for the first time and maybe move on to blunt once I get better. I'm only around 150lbs so I might get high kinda quick (who knows). People usually say 1/8 or 1/4 and I have no idea how many smokes would that make.

    Would they get bad though? Stupid question but if I buy a lot of them and smoke only on weekends (Fri/Sat), would that make the weed bad after 2-3 months? Should I find some ways to preserve their quality? Also how do I tell between a dank, mid and shitty weed? Would a dank make me high real fast? I might not be able to handle it due to my bodyweight and especially as my first time.

    and what quality should I get for 10 bucks/gram? I don't know the price in California but shouldn't it be cheaper since it's availability might be more common that most states. Do most dealers have each weed quality?

    Cheers :D
  6. First, nobody's going to think you're a cop. Nobody in CA cares. Weed isn't legal there, but it is decriminalized which means the only way to get busted for it is to be stupid with it. And even then, it's not too big of a deal. I believe if you get caught with 1 ounce of pot on you in California it's a $100 ticket. That puts it as more serious than a parking ticket, but not as serious as a speeding ticket. Again, nobody cares.

    There are going to be a lot of people at your school who smoke. I would suggest hanging out where other students hang out on campus, and if you see a group of guys who look like they might smoke, just go up and introduce yourself, talk and explain to them what you just explained to us.

    Pipes, papers, bongs, etc are going to be available all over the place. Any convenience store is going to have papers and wraps for blunts. Many will have glass pipes too. There are a lot of headshops there too.
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  7. It's easy in CA dude and cops are pretty cool with it as long as you are respectful. Just buy a pipe, pack a small bowl, and then smoke it. I recommend for a first time user to smoke an indica strain so that you don't get anxious or super paranoid. If you aren't buying it legally don't stress about quality. It probably won't be top shelf but it will do the job. A hook up will probably be 10 a gram, 1/8 will be anywhere from 35-50 depending on guy and quality. Good luck don't be stupid with it.

    Platinumkidd's Running Out of Space Coco LED Grow

    PlatinumKidd's DGAFF Ultra Low Budget Coco Hempy
  8. Why pipe though? Better than joint or blunt? Seems that there won't be much trouble using it in CA, but just how to find it tbh.

    The plant, paper/pipe and a lighter would be the way to go?

    Still haven't heard about how many smokes would a gram give me, and dealers knowing me as a beginner might give me schwags for high price.
  9. Why a pipe? Because if this is your first time, a pipe is going to be the best. A joint is going to be anywhere from 0.5 to 1g, and there's no way you're going to (or should want to) smoke all of that in one sitting. Ditto (but even moreso) for blunts. A pipe is going to allow you to use as much as you want/need, without wasting any more.

    The reason nobody has said how long a gram is going to last you is, nobody knows. Some people can make a gram last a week, some it won't last half a day. So you tell me, how long is it going to last you? Your guess is as good as anyone's. I'd buy and eighth. That's 3.5g, and is more than enough for you to experiment and figure out what you're doing with. If all you can get is 2g, that works too.
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  10. Thanks, man. What I'm asking though is how much of a weed do I need to put in that pipe/joint for one session until it burns out.

    I'm sure I should go with a pipe as to start since if might take less weed to do so. (not going go waste and get too wasted), just not sure how many servings would a gram give if I decide to use pipe.
  11. I think you are over analyzing this one dawg. You gotta get a feel for it to truly know. I have never measured how much a gram will last me if I smoke it but I do have an Arizer solo vaporizer and that packs about .3 grams in the bowl and lasts a few sessions long. These results will not be comparable to burning it tho...

    You can measure it if you want but from personal experience I do not measure when smoking because I can smoke a lot of some shitty bud and still not get as faded as I would if smoking a small amount potent buds. I guess you could say for this one the serving sizes varies on potency of product and tolerance of the user.

    Platinumkidd's Running Out of Space Coco LED Grow

    PlatinumKidd's DGAFF Ultra Low Budget Coco Hempy
  12. I'm going to say this very plainly so that you understand it. I'm not trying to be a dick or sound like a dick.

    You have no idea what you're talking about and because of that you are asking questions that nobody can answer because they aren't based in reality and they don't make sense. Now, let me try and explain that to you.

    1. You are totally over thinking all of this. You don't need your hand held. There is no right or wrong here.
    2. You are going to buy some weed.
    3. You are going to buy a pipe.
    4. You are NOT going to put all of that weed in that pipe and smoke it.
    5. You are going to pinch off a bit of that weed and put it in the pipe. You are not going to fill the pipe up with as much weed as it can hold.
    6. You will then light and smoke that bit of weed you put in the pipe. After a few minutes you may want to smoke more, so repeat step #5.

    Various facts you aren't getting:
    1. Different people need different amounts of weed to get high. Nobody knows how much until they use it.
    2. Different pipes hold different amounts of weed. Some have big bowls some of have small bowls, some have medium sized bowls. There is no standard for how much a pipe can hold.
    3. Pipes don't generally continue to burn. You will relight it every time you go to smoke out of it.
    4. On #5 above when I say you are going to pinch a bit of, that bit is going to be whatever size you want it to be. There is no right or wrong. If it's too small you'll just do it again. No big deal.
    5. The way you are over thinking all of this makes me think this is something you should not be doing as you are way overstressing it.
  13. Sorry that I might piss you off, we all know that I'm just about to begin and being extra cautious wouldn't sound like a bad idea, not trying to be dumb or something, but if you know how heavily curious people would drop their questions like someone in the kindergarten. I've also had a bad experience making deal with strangers since some douchebag from Craigslist scammed me, so I'm just trying to be prepared if that day happens. I also happen to come from a country where weed usage will receive heavy fine. That is maybe the reason why I sound paranoid or whatsoever. We all start as noobs, don't we? For the various facts that I MIGHT not be getting:

    1. I completely understand this and what I've been asking is how many grams would probably fit in a pipe/joint/blunt as your explanation #5.
    2. Thanks that answers my questions about pipe. MAYBE blunt and joint would vary.
    3. Doesn't matter for me.
    4. Just until the bowl is full? If it's too small and doesn't give me any good high, wouldn't that mean I have just wasted a certain amount of weed? I just needed to make sure it's the right portion.
    5. Don't agree, I should do it as I know how to prepare for it and not fuck up when I try it alone. Imagine if I keep having no idea about the portion, types of weed, price, or quality of the weed and size of the pipe that would be recommended for beginner. I believe that doing something without a bit of knowledge on it would fuck it up pretty bad.

    Again, I have never touched or even smelled weed in my life previously, thus, if you think that I'm making it as a little bit of a big deal, then it might be true. Honestly appreciate you guys helping me out though. Maybe someday there will be another noob like me, won't hesitate explaining like you do, but maybe a little bit nicer lol :p

  14. Lol and good luck. You don't want anyone's advice, you want people to tell you what you want to hear and what you want to be the truth.
  15. Truth is, I just wanna get high and chill with the bros without any cops banging on my dorm's door (and still have money for lunch)
  16. hahahah yer fun!
  17. Smoking in a dorm will get you kicked out of school. Bet the folks back home won't like that! Colleges, regardless of the state, generally have a Zero Tolerance policy towards weed. They definitely have a Zero Tolerance policy about smoking anything in a dorm, whether it's weed or tobacco. All of this would extend to the rest of the campus as well.
  18. #19 drewjonn, Apr 24, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2016
    Didn't see it coming honestly. Can you recommend a place? This campus I'm going to is a college town, so no commuters. Might not be able to find any lads who's got his own place.

    Anyways, I can still do it at the balcony and the smell might be gone real quick. Like somebody is going to inspect overtime? It's not dorm just apartment near campus and yeah everyone is student there though. It's not like people don't smoke at their dorm rooms anyway, right?
  19. If you're a CA resident, the best thing to do is to just get a Doctor's Recommendation. You can get a rec for a NUMBER of different ailments including chronic pain, anxiety, depression, PTSD, anorexia, migraines and more. If you Google you can find a complete list. If you qualify, I'd recommend going to to talk to a licensed doc via live video chat (it's what I did). I got my rec within about 20 minutes from my couch (actually, if I'm honest I was even more lazy and did it from my bed). Once I did that I was able to legally get my herb from any dispensary in town. Though, I recently was told about Fleet which is an awesome way to get your weed delivered (I can give more info if interested, but I just texted "flyhigh" to 909-FLEET42 and they hooked me up...they do require your rec btw). By doing it legally you get better quality herb and more variety to choose from including edibles and wax in addition to flower.
    I'll get off my soap box now. Hope this helps.
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