Please help a girl out!

Discussion in 'Harvesting and Processing Marijuana' started by kaylac1982, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. Hi! I have two snowqueen plants flowering under a 400w HPS. Today is the ninth week of flowering. At the eight week mark, I cut a small bud from each plant to dry and test. The resulting high kind of made me dizzy and felt very light. All in my head. My question is, based on this high, how close to harvest are my plants? I can't check the trichomes because I have no magnifier and no place where I live sells them. To order one would take too long. Is the high the way it is because I let them go too long or because they need more time? Thanks so much guys!
  2. here, if you cant see the trich`s, just harvest by the pistil color when 75% of all your pistils/hairs are brownish

  3. Most of my hairs have turned but the high still seems so light. I'm definitely looking for a more couchlike type stone. Should I harvest them now or leave them for a little bit? Sorry I know I'm prolly overthinking things but these are my first babies! Lol
  4. wait another week, try another piece, if its still not to your liking, wait another 3-4 days, imo
  5. is it safe to assume that you're quick drying these test buds somehow? I know I'll occasionally throw a pre nug in the toaster oven as low as it will go and give it 20-30 min to dry out, but that's pretty rare as it isn't much fun to smoke quick dried shit :p

    that's probably why you're not digging it that much, chances are if you quick dried it you're smoking something considerably less potent than the final cured product will be

    as for your issue of not having a scope, do you have a DSLR or decent digital camera? If you can take a pretty good macro shot you can zoom in digitally and take a look that way. just a of luck :wave:
  6. I'm not throwing them in the toaster oven or anything like that. Just leaving them sit out with a fan blowing a gentle breeze onto them. They're dry enough to smoke in a few days. They're absolutely covered in crystals so I was really surprised that the high wasn't stronger even though they might be early. I guess I will just have to wait and test another piece like was suggested. Thanks guys
  7. Patience grasshopper! Just give it another day or so and test again. You really do need a microscope or magnifying glass to see those crystals. If you want a heavier body high the crystals need to be mostly all amber. I bet yours are all mostly clear still. Give it time, good things come to those who wait. :wave:
  8. I know that I need to have patience but its hard! Lol. Seriously though I'm just afraid to way TOO long and completely ruin the crop. I ordered a 30X magnifying loupe earlier today and it should be here next week. Will that be powerful enough for what I need?
  9. let me just throw in rumple's pic... :D
  10. Im a new grower myself, first couple plants i harvested too early they where covered in trichs and looking lil cloudy to me as well as most pistols turning orange, i was afraid of loosing potency cause i kept on reading about the harms of letting them go to long. It was all head high, like a shroom trip was about to come on heavy. But i learned to let them go lil longer to get more of an even balance. Also your probably quick drying to test these buds out? deff takes away from potency and smoothness.
  11. yup, 30x is generally what is recomended for checking out yo trichs
  12. I finally got my 30x loupe today. I have to say I wish I would have gotten a stronger power. Its a lot harder to tell then I thought it would be. But anyways, when I checked my plants I realized that the triches are still clear for the most part. How can that be possible? They are in the 10th week of flowering. Shouldn't they be much further along that that?
  13. Make sure to cure too! You'll def get the buzz you want when you let it sit for a month!

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