Please first grow need help!

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by mahoney5693, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. Hey guys, today my buddy had bag of some mids(Not my liking at all LOL)but we found around 15 seeds.My plan was to place the seeds in a damp paper towel over night and once i see a couple roots I was planning on planting the seeds in a couple small pots in my bedroom.I am only 17 and still live with my father but I feel like I can at least start my plants here in my old fish tank that has a very high powered bulb.After they are about 2 weeks old I am planning on making a small 4 foot cabin room with a roof at my friends house and we were going to run an extension cord from his house into the woods and into the 4 foot cabin.And with this we will supply lighting and good ventilation...But it is the middle of winter will my plants last?I was just wondering if you guys thought this was a good idea and if the plants would smell at only 2 weeks old thanks guys any help would be great.:rolleyes:
  2. First I wouldn't plant any mid grade seeds, you can buy quality seeds from seed banks. Second I would never germinate some seeds until I had my full setup. Sorry if this doesn't help, but, I'd hate to see you waste your time.
  3. Ya very unprepared, dont know what medium your going to use or anything like that. Best bet for you is to do like I did and wait till summer and grow outside. Its the easiest setup there is and no need to worry about your parents finding out. With what your planning now there is no way thats going to work out well for you.
  4. Yeah, sounds like you're not very prepared.

    Get things together first.

    Just make sure you use good nutes, okay? Especially when you're growing less than high grade seeds.

    Here's what I would use:

    Sensi A&B Grow
    Sensi A&B Bloom
    Big Bud
    Voodoo Juice
    Bud Candy

    Good luck with this one - do it right and you'll be hooked on growing...

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